• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • If you hear about a job being in demand, then it’s too late to get into it, those news will always only be good for those who are already in the field, by the time you make it through 5 years of uni, you will be competing against hordes of people who did the same in a demand bubble that’s bursting or deflating.

    Right now cybersecurity seems to be having a soft boom, if you’re in it you’re good, take it easy and maybe do a cert and diversify skillset, if you’re not, don’t bother.

    Same with data science/ML which I would assume is going to have a large boom soon (or already had? Last I remember anyone talking about it was Cloud™️ Big Data™️ days, far pre-LLM/GenAI craze ATM.)

  • Okay I’ll bite:

    How is AI anarchist

    Running a local FOSS AI model that allows one to generate images, text, code and even video circumvents the power of the capitalists by giving the proletariat the means to produce themselves much more readily and with far fewer startup capital required, plus being able to train a model on the internet turns it into a trap for corporations who want their intellectual property to stay theirs, as now anyone can violate IP laws readily, similar to what the internet did to copyrighted media (paying for stuff being just a suggestion via the magic of P2P).

    what do you mean by anarchism

    For a good starter I’d suggest “The Conquest of Bread” and “Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution” by Peter Kropotkin.

    how does this relate

    There is no moral, and there’s no such thing as culture. These are spooks in your head. There is no “community” either, that’s a spook too.

    There are wageslaves (proletariat or ‘working class’) who want a roof over their heads, their best chance is to slave for corporations who’s primary product of exploiting the proletariat labour ends up being technology of some kind, be that a toaster or a marketing tool, most workers have no choice or way to affect that.

    Capitalists who own these enterprises are those who make the calls because they own the means of production.

    It’s that simple. There are no other forces at play here.

    You want to change that? Better start practicing communism, e.g. by working on foss AI projects or even foss in general.

  • Software engineering has no culture - shared or otherwise. It’s just a job, you clock in, you clock out, it’s the same prison as anything else but with the comfort of WFH. The only maybe cultural aspect is that people refuse to unionize, but that’s a different issue and a result of material pressures (far too much demand for jobs gives uneven bargaining power).

    Bezos, musk, gates et al were never seen as heroes by those who don’t idolize capitalists and corpos to begin with, and are still seen that way by the rest.

    The future is indeed tech solutions and always has been, not an-prim nonsense and tech will indeed save us (and already has from every problem tackled thus far in humanity’s history, every disease etc.), but those tech solutions have to be aligned with humanity’s interests, and to do that you need to remove the exploitation incentive and the way you do that is by changing economic systems to communism or anarchism.

    Idk I don’t find it very frustrating, it’s very clean cut in my opinion.