Grail (capitalised)

They/Them, capitalised

Writer of the most popular Soulist Manifesto and the article about how John Wick is communist. Read My blog:

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023


  • To claim something doesn’t exist, based on the inductive principle, is to wave away the entire universe with a flick of the wrist as your opening argument.

    I would encourage you to read My antirealist manifesto, which argues that reality is a harmful social construct. I’d also like to pre-empt any accusation that antirealism is anti-science, by pointing out My articles advocating for an antirealist future to the application of the scientific method. I in fact believe that any kind of claim to the existence of absolute or objective knowledge is anti-science, and frankly comes uncomfortably close to the inappropriate application of mysticism. You are right when you say that focusing on the tiny chance that we are wrong isn’t pragmatic. Which is why so much of My writing focuses on pragmatism as a better epistemological method than empiricism and rationalism applied for the sake of truth over utility. When I say death is a social construct, I am not saying it’s a useless idea, simply because it’s untrue. I value usefulness over truth, and death is certainly much more useful than it is true.

  • Thank you for the praise. I actually had the idea for this article while watching Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. There’s a plot in there about someone seeking to permanently end the condition of death for the human species. Late in the show, it’s revealed that everyone who died already can be brought back through some science fiction nonsense the villains have been working on. For a japanese children’s cartoon in the genre of power rangers, it’s remarkably philosophical. It got Me thinking about the meaning of death, and thus, article. I decided to make it about Tuvix because that’s a very well known and clear example of what I’m talking about. The episode with the planet that dumps all their corpses through wormholes would also qualify, but it’s way less fun than arguing whether Janeway is a murderer.

  • How long would you say it takes to change your username and pfp on Matrix if you know exactly what you’re doing and have done it plenty of times before? 20 seconds? Pluralkit can do a proxy in 2 seconds. 20 seconds is not an acceptable delay to sending a chat message to most people, but 2 seconds is.

    And what if two members of a system are in a conversation, possibly with a third person? Is it going to retroactively change the username and pfp on the old messages? Cause that would turn the conversation to complete nonsense. Imagine I’m having a discussion with some friends, two of whom are in a system, I step away to go to the toilet, and when I come back 5 minutes later I can’t tell who was talking in the last 5 minutes.

  • Plurality is a lot more common than most people think. The existence of pluralkit exposed a LOT of people to the idea of plurality and got them realising they were already plural. Myself included.

    It’s kind of like how a lot of lesbians didn’t understand their own identities until they heard Katy Perry sing “I kissed a girl”.

    Furthermore, imagine you’re on a server with 500 active members, and there are 5 systems who use pluralkit. That server has probably had the “why are you a bot” “I’m using pluralkit” conversation dozens of times. All 500 people know how important pluralkit is. On Discord, there are dozens of allies for every one system.