And to follow next week: Skyrim Ultra Deluxe Not-A-Repackaged-Money-Grab-We-Totally-Pinky-Swear Edition.
And then GTAV Supreme Mega Fantastic Number One Edition the week after.
Rinse. Repeat. Ad infinitum.
And to follow next week: Skyrim Ultra Deluxe Not-A-Repackaged-Money-Grab-We-Totally-Pinky-Swear Edition.
And then GTAV Supreme Mega Fantastic Number One Edition the week after.
Rinse. Repeat. Ad infinitum.
So, cancelling was the best course of action, then.
ETA: ducking autocorrupt
“And then i say ‘seventh Chevron locked,’ y’know, to change it up.”
I’ve seen no love for Chrono Cross yet? Shame.
Someone already beat me to Topgear, but I’m not seeing Mario Kart? Also GT2 on the PSX was great fun.
Whoa. Are well articulated positions still allowed on today’s Internet?
Tbf, i enjoyed the shit out of gta online. For about a month.
Best GTA imho. Been trying to get it to run on an emulator with no luck for a while now.
Right? My response has been “it’s dead to me” for about three press releases now.
There’s some great material throughout, but as a whole from Lord of Chaos to Winters Heart, i mostly skim. I really, really don’t like Salidar. And UNHOLY FUCK, some of his names, of which there are hundreds, are only differentiated by a single letter.
She really shoulda kept her name as Mandarb.
Same. Your wife was really sick of it by the time i wrapped up. Sorry!
You get to pay for commercials.
“Set the tone!”
“Seeing as you’ve already begun your community service by taking out a large sack of garbage, the court sees it fit to release you under your own recognizance.”
There was a baby in that minivan…
I read the title as “tartar-tots” and I’m not interested to know what those are. Bad teeth babies, maybe?
The Serpents Hand and the Wanderer’s Library.
Now, where did i put my suit…?
Wtf? I’ve never even heard of this thing. Might have to look into emulators, for curiosity sake.