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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • That is usually more incompetence than malice. They write a game that requires different operation on amd vs Nvidia devices and basically write an

    If Nvidia: Do x; Else if amd: Do Y; Else: Crash;

    The idea being that if the check for amd/Nvidia fails, there must be an issue with the check function. The developers didn’t consider the possibility of a non amd/Nvidia card. This was especially true of old games. There are a lot of 1990s-2000s titles that won’t run on modern cards or modern windows because the developers didn’t program a failure mode of “just try it”

  • How has nobody in this thread said check_mk yet?

    It’s free, you host it yourself. It’s built off of nagios, compatible with nagios plugins, supports snmp or agent based checks. It can email, SMS, slack or discord you when something breaks, you can write your own custom checks in any language that can output to a local console… I could never imagine even looking for something else.

  • That is only true when you use their “home” feature. It puts the entire thing behind oauth because it has to do so in order to restrict libraries/content to non-full users. Think about the instance where you have a thirteen-year-old kid and you want to restrict them to pg13 and under. Without forcing oauth on local connections they could just sign out and watch all your star trek porn parodies or whatever you don’t want them to see. If you remove the server from a “plex home”, it disables the oauth workflow for local connections as expected.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not really happy with a lot of their new sharing/social features, and their recommendations on the homepage can fuck right off, but I do think it’s important to be accurate when criticizing. Requiring oauth on local vlans when plex home is enabled is the objectively correct solution.