Six sided devops engineer and baseball fan

I am also, but this is my primary and more active account. The account is for ecology and stuff

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • Programming is a form of communication. When you develop a piece of software, it will intrinsically be biased to boost the kinds of messages you believe in. This is both because you as a person think about problems a certain way, and because the code you write is meant to convey to others how you were thinking about the problem you were trying to solve. Who heads projects and how they communicate with their community matters to what the product produced will become, not just because of how the leads will think about the problem, but also because people who don’t get along with them won’t wind up contributing. Beehaw requested moderation tools that the lead lemmy Devs didn’t view as valuable. The result is beehaw, reasonably, gave up on getting PRs merged and issues tracked in the issue tracker, instead choosing to look at Sublinks which was explicitly started in response to Lemmy’s devs not behaving well with their own development community.

    And for anyone saying Sublinks is splintering the Lemmy Dev community, no, lemmy’s devs did that themselves

  • The Cuuuuube@beehaw.orgtoOpen Source@lemmy.mlPride System Icon
    7 days ago

    Mate. You’re the one who says this open source app isn’t relevant to a community discussing open source software. The burden of proof is on you to prove its not relevant. If anything this project is as core to open source as it gets. This person wanted to explore a part of their computer system, picked a target for how to make something happen, did it, and then shared it.

    Concluding that you’re a homophobe isn’t based on ad hominem attacks or straw man arguments. Its based on that you have NOTHING substantial to say that this doesn’t belong so the rest of us have to figure out what the hangup is and the only thing we can figure out is that its controversial because its about LGBTQIA+ pride and you don’t like that. We’d love to reach a different conclusion but you haven’t given us a lot to work with

  • No, its the asshole CEOs very specifically who will survive the climate catastrophe and any other societal systemic failures. They’ve insulated themselves from consequences by hoarding material wealth, and when they can’t do that, fiat wealth to represent material wealth. In 2008, we even bailed them out “oh that last thing you tried didn’t work? Here. Here’s a bunch of money we took from society as a whole. Enjoy your golden parachutes. You’ll need them later”

    As a populace we need to start showing up in the streets and obstructing these fuckers wealth streams however we can

  • REMINDER: These market share figures are self reported based on browser user agents. For over a decade now, Firefox requires you to opt into this reporting. Its true that Firefox has been slipping in market share, and that things can be rather gloomy, but they’re not as doomed as its widely reported. The big driver of declining market share for Firefox these days is CTOs telling their engineering directors to not check Firefox compatibility because they perceive it as wasted time for 6.6% of people. The easiest way to combat Google Chrome’s hegemony is to show friends and family that actually most of the internet works on Firefox despite what you’ve been told, and that also Firefox isn’t somehow outdated

  • Let me take this opportunity to get on my soapbox to sat this:

    Peacock Sucks Ass

    NBC / Universal were one of the first movers in streaming with Seeso. Did they learn lessons from Seeso about how to run a good streaming service? No they abandoned it almost immediately basically saying “this whole streaming thing is just a fad, anyway”

    The results? Now its hard to watch those old (genuinely excellent) Seeso shows, and NBC / Universal has managed to make itself late to the streaming party when they were a first actor. And the service itself? Ass. Total cheeks. Major butt. Absolute balloon knot. It always has technical issues AND scanning within an episode is hard because it doesn’t do it in chunks, it acts like a slider in constant motion.

    Conclusion: don’t look at Peacock as the idiot child of the streaming landscape. View it as the logical conclusion to media companies’ corporate greed. They want you to pay money for a service that sucks, that’s chock full of ads (oh! That’s another thing. Where do you get off showing me three minutes of ads, Peacock, who do you think you are?), and doesn’t even work decently right while a lot of these UX problems have been solved for over two decades (DVD scanning is easy and fine).

  • PornHub is a monopoly. They own xnxx, redtube, xhamster, and several production companies such as brazzers. Their categorization system has also had some ranging impacts on actresses’ ability to get work after they turn 22. I highly recommend listening to The Butterfly Effect by Jon Ronson.

    ALSO so we’re clear, I’m not a fan of this legislation because its dumb as fuck and doesn’t help anyone, least of all sex workers. When people lose easy access to porn it usually results in WORSE conditions for sex workers because suddenly there’s more demand in places without safety infrastructure.