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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • At times, I really don’t understand Microsoft’s MO.

    They own a tonne of studios and IPs, and have also completed acquisitions of both Bethesda and Activision Blizzard over the past few years.

    Xbox could easily surpass PlayStation if Microsoft actually bothered to leverage the intellectual properties they’ve developed and acquired to start pumping out exclusives. If they shat out a slew of console exclusives like new Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, StarCraft, Elder Scrolls, Doom, Pillars of Eternity, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini, Conker, Gears, Halo, etc games, and actually ensured they were competently made, Sony wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

    Heck, if World of Warcraft got an exclusive Xbox port optimized with gamepad controls in mind (cross parity with PC may not be possible given how prevalent third party add-ons are), they’d dethrone Sony.

    I can understand why certain IPs like Minecraft are better kept multiplatform, because Microsoft make an absolute mint off of merchandising which made their $2bn acquisition of Mojang more than worth it.

    Microsoft are dead-last in the console race because they aren’t doing anything with the sheer volume of IP’s they have.

    Unless they’re doing this on purpose to avoid pissing off the FTC & CMA, acting all buddy-buddy with Nintendo and Sony because you’re too incompetent to compete isn’t going to drive innovation in the console market. If anything it’s going to stagnate things. Nintendo really need the kick up the arse necessary for them to actually improve their hardware and the state of Nintendo Switch Online, and perhaps they need both Microsoft and Sony to offer a superior product to open their eyes.

  • I rarely delve in the world of private servers. Last one I played on was Nostalrius (World of Warcraft) and that was purely because WoW had gone through a slew of shitty expansions leaving the game fundamentally changed for the worse with no way to experience the original game version.

    Of course after Blizzard C&D’d the project I’m glad I didn’t sink loads of time into the server.

    I have thought about giving Dragon Ball Online Global, Pristontale EU or Return of Reckoning a try, either because the MMO’s shut down or because the official offering is pay-to-win dogshit. But I worry their publishers are gonna come after the projects hard. Games Workshop and Toei/Shueisha are known to be VERY litigious.

  • Clbull@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldLemmy.world Should Defederate with Threads
    7 months ago

    I’m not worried about Threads joining the fediverse. They can’t even properly implement hashtags and trending topics, which already puts them far behind Mastodon and X.

    Also, how would users on a microblogging platform be able to interact with a Lemmy instance? I’m a bit confused about how ActivityPub works in that respect.

    The ‘they can farm our data’ argument is a bit moot when Lemmy is already publicly accessible, and it makes us no better than Spez if we are trying to combat people for 'data scraping"

  • I’m not too worried about Threads joining the metaverse. What Mark Zuckerberg has failed to realise is just how barebones his Twitter clone is.

    Mastodon has support for trending topics and hashtags. Threads doesn’t. Lacking such an absolutely basic feature that any microblogging platform would otherwise support is why Threads dropped from 500M active users to just a fraction of it.

    I joined it near launch, made a few posts and then stopped. There is nothing worthwhile on Threads and I don’t think leeching on to the fediverse.

    Also, I can kinda understand why you all rushed to defederate from Gab when they tried to jump on the federation bandwagon, but not Meta.

    Zuckerberg doesn’t need us to overtake X. He needs to actually make a functional social media app first, then put more resources into moderating it.

    X is still on top despite Elon Musk’s stewardship because his competitors are either too small (most federated instances), require too big of a technical hurdle for the average Joe to use (the fediverse in general), or are downright incompetent (Threads.)

  • This is gonna be a very bitter pill for everyone to swallow, and I realise that I'm posting this on a pro-piracy community and am about to get eviscerated for this take.

    Stop being cheapskates.

    Video hosting costs a lot of money and this is a core reason why there's so little competition in the video sharing and livestreaming market. YouTube is probably a gigantic loss-leader for Alphabet.

    Tonnes of competitors have come and gone in this space. Blip TV, Dailymotion, VidMe, Own3D, Azubu, Hitbox, SmashCast, etc. Even in terms of current competitors, the only live streaming platforms now available are either bankrolled by shady crypto gambling sites (Kick), hardline pro free speech right wingers (Rumble), or are the main two (Twitch and YouTube.)

    Don't get me wrong, Google have been incredibly aggressive with pushing ads on every single video to the point where the platform is borderline unusable with ads. But this doesn't give you the God-given right to freeload off of Google's servers.

    Either pay for Premium ($13.99/month isn't even that pricey) or stop using the site.

    Y'all are part of the reason why so many YouTubers have to resort to shilling crappy mobile games and shady services in every single one of their vids.

  • Drop Game Freak, hand the reins to a decent reputable developer.

    Gen 9 so far is complete ass. Despite Scarlet/Violet having some good things going for it (Nemona is the best rival since Blue from RBY, Arven’s backstory is great, Toby Fox making parts of the soundtrack, Ash Ketchum finally dropped from the anime), its flaws heavily outweigh the good parts. Game is dull and full of performance issues, Paldea feels lifeless, the Pokemon League can only be attempted once, Geeta is a joke of a champion, the Team Star questline is awful, and the Academy Ace Tournament is far too easy to be considered endgame content.

    Should Gen 10 end up like this, Nintendo and the Pokemon Company will end up in trouble.