Hail Satan.


  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The poll was improperly conducted and way too short for users to adequately find in time. This announcement is the first I’m hearing about this discussion or poll at all.

    I think this might be jumping the gun. Also, it’s poor form, imo, to change the focus of a community after it’s been established. It would make more sense to create /c/lemmyfossapps or something similar. Taking a broadly-focused community and narrowing it down after people have already joined feels wrong.

    Those are my two cents, since I never got a chance to respond to the poll, which allegedly already had a pretty narrow margin.

  • Been playing a lot of The Finals lately. Normally my time would be spent in Destiny 2, but the current D2 season is gonna last for a looooong time, so I’m not in any hurry to grind it out just yet. But The Finals has absolutely blown me away so far. It can be buggy and unbalanced at times, but it’s so damn fun. Demolishing an entire building to bury the cashout station in rubble and prevent a steal is so satisfying.

    Embark has also recently said that they’ve got a lot of updates in the works, so I’m really excited to see how Season 2 plays out.

  • At what point is engaging in HP fandom distasteful?

    I’d say when the material that makes up the HP franchise, itself, becomes distasteful. I’m not hugely invested into HP, but last I’ve seen of it, the franchise is LGBT-inclusive, directly in spite of Rowling. I see no reason why one shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy the story.

    Yeah, Rowling may still profit from it. But the bitter pill is that she’s allowed to. People are entitled to make money from their IPs, it’s how society enables creatives. Just because somebody’s a shit person doesn’t mean they’re not allowed to earn a living. And realistically, she’s going to make money from it, anyway. Blocking a Lemmy instance has literally zero impact on Rowling’s bottom line, making the act little more than posturing.

    The HP material, itself, is fine. And the HP community largely seems inclusive toward LGBT fans. I can’t think of any reason to consider liking it or talking about it to be distasteful. Rowling’s a TERF shitbag, and I think most of the HP community is generally onboard with that notion, too.