Over the last decade, people called for a new narrative regarding climate change. One that is less doomerism and more positive. They managed to do that. The same needs to happen for the internet.

Over the last decades with series like black mirror, we are still stuck in doom-mode even though we know that for some of these problems, dezentralized social networks could be the solution. We just need more stories that fill this vision with live.

I think spekulative fiction, which plays in a world in which dezentralized networks are established (either in the future, in an alt timeline or alt universe altogether) could do the trick. I call this "fedi-fiction".

Would you be interested in this and if yes - how could its creation be supported?

  • loopy@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    That’s a creative idea. I would read it. But if the goal is to reach and engage more people, then it needs to appeal to them. Like previously said, most people just don’t seem to care about privacy. So what do they care about? Getting likes/approval from others? Networking? Following popular channels? It’s kind of a catch 22, because celebrities won’t go to a platform without potential followers, and followers won’t either without someone to follow.

    I can definitely relate on seeing the potential of the fediverse. I even told some of my friends, “This is the evolution of how the Internet is going to work. Isn’t that exciting??” And I’m usually met with blank stares.

    I think the social media giants will slowly continue to become less relevant and there will be a natural shift toward alternatives. The more polished the alternatives become and the more the communities will prove valuable with actual human connections, the more they will slowly appeal to the masses. I think many people are sucked into the world of consumerism and cannot imagine an alternative.