I find it odd there has been very little noise about this. Like sweet its awesome to see that there is a new Counter strike and the features they are adding seem awesome. People were very angry when Blizzard did this same exact thing, where is the anger right now about this?

I'm not here to say Valve should forever support their games, its just seems weird to kill it when there are fundamental differences between the games. Kill the official servers, that is fine since the community will just adjust and host their own servers but basically zapping the game out of existence seems wrong and it continues the worrying trends we have that can revolve around game preservation.

  • Poopfeast420@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    I think the real game changer here is that CS:GO is still available, while the original OW is not

    Absolutely. This is the main difference for me, which I didn’t know in the beginning, although it makes sense, since it’s been known that Steam has this functionality. If that gets some “official” support (selecting the version in the game properties like a beta), and not the current hacky solution, it would be great.

    To be honest though, I still think for a lot of people across the internet, it’s totally a Blizzard bad, Valve good, situation.

    • Entropy@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      1 year ago

      You’re not really wrong that people think “Blizzard bad, Valve good” but they’re kinda right in a way. Valve have a much better track record when it comes to not screwing over their customers compared to someone like blizzard (or EA, or Ubisoft, etc). Screwing up OW2 was one more grievance on top of a mountain of them and there’s no hope that the community will get what they want. Valve on the other hand has shown they actually give a shit about their fans and are willing to listen (an example being how so many user requested features have been added to the steam deck remarkable fast). Valve is one of the few major companies left in the AAA space that seem to have any soul left, everyone else seems to have succumbed to corporate greed. So yeah, people might react less harshly when they do something like they just did. Honestly tho, if people are really upset about it, I don’t doubt that valve will here it and do something about it, it’s much more likely that Blizzard bringing back OW1