Hello! I’m looking for book recommendations for learning programming fundamentals.
To be clear, I’m not necessarily looking for a book on learning language(s), but rather, programming, theory I guess you might call it?
For example, I’ve been playing around a lot in my terminal writing bash scripts, and I just implemented my first function. Another example, I know the phrase “Object Oriented programming”, but have no idea what it means.
I learn well by doing, and I’ve learned a lot just writing scripts and reading about bash scripting, but I also realize there’s a lot about programming at a higher level that I know nothing about.
If you are looking at learning CS in a more holistic manner, there’s Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!. It’s a list of courses, categorized by topics, which are exactly what a CS undergraduate would learn. It might feel daunting at first, but you can pick any interesting topic and dive in.
I especially recommend CS50P for beginners.