I am not looking for something like permify, but something like Snipe-IT, but for permissions and roles given to users.
Like an overview of which systems, software etc. a user has access to.
Does something like that exists?
I am not looking for something like permify, but something like Snipe-IT, but for permissions and roles given to users.
Like an overview of which systems, software etc. a user has access to.
Does something like that exists?
It sounds like you’re probably looking for some kind of SAML compliant IAM system, where credentials and access can be centrally managed. Active Directory and LDAP are examples of that.
I realise my post is not very obvious. I am looking for a tool that lets me create a database of users and which permissions/roles/access they have been granted in various systems.
If you have enough users and systems that this is a problem then you should be centrally managing it. I get that you want to inventory what you have, but I’m saying that you’re probably doing it wrong right now, and your ask is solved by using a central IAM system.