• jordanlund@lemmy.world
    13 days ago

    Tendons don’t show up on xrays.

    Tore my achilles tendon, doc needed to do an MRI. Insurance company wouldn’t authorize an MRI without an xray first even though literally everyone else knew they don’t show up on xrays.

      • jordanlund@lemmy.world
        13 days ago

        That was the thing, I needed the MRI to START physical therapy so they knew exactly where the tear was and to what extent it was torn.

        So I limped around in agony for a few extra weeks while the doctors explained how they were, in fact, “doctors” and the insurance company was not.

      • Insurance companies in the US often exhibit paradoxical behavior based entirely on statistics and ignoring individual case details.

        Often a less expensive procedure will be denied until after a more expensive procedure is performed, guaranteeing that insurance has to pay for both, just because some significant percent of patients need the more expensive procedure either way.

        Health insurance is utterly stupid, and mainly because it’s a for-profit, private enterprise in the US. Data goes in and a decision comes out, and the insurance companies really only care as long as the algorithm results in a net profit over time. Good outcomes for patients isn’t even a consideration.