Sorry if this is redundant, I didn’t see another thread focused on reactions to the game itself (just the Pokemon-ripoff news cycle).

I tried it on GamePass thinking, why not - might as well see how overhyped it is. And unexpectedly, I put in about 8 hours this weekend.

Despite some rough edges and some very clear inspiration, I am actually enjoying it. It has a very satisfying gameplay feedback loop and is an overdue (if involuntary) “modernization” of the basic monster-collector format.

    9 months ago

    almost 50 hours at this point. Its perfect game for having music or videos playing in the other window. Played both Single and Multiplayer. I’m a bit burnt out with whats available, but considering I played Ark back when it first was released, and that game makes me feel like having to go to a job I absolutely hate, Palworld so far has been enjoyable, looking forward to seeing updates.