Just interested if there’s an episode of a particular series you find yourself going back to? Not necessarily “the best” or your favorite, just one you gravitate toward for a comfort re-watch? Here’s the episodes from each series I find myself re-watching a lot:

TOS: Mirror, Mirror (instant classic, love the episode)

TNG: The Offspring (favorite Data episode, gives me a lump in the throat)

DS9: The Visitor (similar feeling to The Offspring)

VOY: Blink of an Eye (brilliant episode, even if it apparently rips off a novel but it’s cool to see the concept on TV)

ENT: Similitude (love the drama, love the theme and emotions)

DIS: Need to rewatch the first four seasons to find an episode that I’d want to rewatch

PIC: Vox (Okay, for the ENT-D reveal…)

SNW: Momento Mori (the first season is way better than the second season, and this episode is really cool IMO)

Haven’t seen enough of TAS, Prodigy, and Lower Decks to select any.

  • Repple (she/her)@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    There’s many, but I will limit myself to one per series, and I’ll refrain from most of the super popular episodes which I also love.

    TOS: Corbomite Maneuver: for me this is the blueprint for all of Star Trek. You have Kirk dealing with a young officer, tactics “Not chess, mr. spock, poker” , coming to an understanding with an alien culture, just an insanely fantastic episode.

    TAS: i like the series fine, but don’t really go back to any eps

    TNG: Peak Performance: one of the earlier strong TNG episodes, it has the great data strategema scenes, riker and Wesley being clever, just lots of fun.

    DS9: In the Hands of the Prophets: what a great way to make explore the religious/secular divides in society, and especially the creationism / intelligent design in classrooms debates. The episode is sympathetic without shying away from offering a perspective, and Keiko is just fantastic in the episode. Of course Kai Winn is always amazing. I do not understand why this ep isn’t held in the same light as duet and the visitor

    Voyager: parallax: I believe this is not even regarded as a good voyager episode, but I love it. I always thought Janeway and Torres had amazing screen chemistry, and I just love how janeway comes around to the idea of Torres as chief engineer. Plus it has the classic lines “Warp Particles” and Paris’s “It’s the Voyager”

    Enterprise: The series has its moments but I’m not too big on it

    Discovery: At its best, the show is like good fanfic, at its worst it’s unbearable. I don’t go back to anything.

    Picard: don’t particularly like the show. There were some great nostalgia moments in season 3 (I definitely shed a tear for the old ships), but such aggravating decisions (everything about the changelings in that season makes no sense)

    Lower Decks: I would almost say the entire series, I’ve watched every ep so many times, but I will pick out Crisis point, which for me is the show’s beard growing moment. It was already good, but became amazing during that ep. Much like with the motion picture, the starship porn is my favorite part.

    Strange New Worlds: really solid show so far, even if I disagree with some of their choices. It’s still new and I’m not sure what consensus is on best eps, so I’m just gonna go with my favorite which I’ve already watched several times; “Those Old Scientists” what a powerhouse of an ep, and such great performances from boimler and mariner.

    Prodigy: show is okay, nothing I go back to.