October 2 Prompt - Nebula
I had to bang this one out fairly quick, and I’m not super happy with it. However, the Nebula-class has been a favourite design of mine since the kitbash first showed up in TNG, so I did enjoy looking up a bunch of references before rushed through scratching it out on my own.
October 1 Prompt: Wormhole
I might have been a bit more ambitious with this one than my skill level and time allotment allowed for. I’ve never been a particularly quick artist, and I’m relatively new to drawing exclusively digitally. Part of my desire to attempt Trektober this year was wanting the practice getting things done on a deadline, with my already full schedule.
Anyways! I like aspects of the drawing, but even as I was working on it there were things that I wished I could stop and redraw, but I knew there wasn’t going to be enough time, so it is what it is. As it is, I went about 15 minutes longer than what I had intended to spend on the piece.
Obviously I decided to interpret the “wormhole” prompt somewhat literally, and I got to make up some rando Lower Deckers. It is definitely going to be a challenge for myself to not just default to trying to emulate the LDecks style for most of these prompts.
What link?
I’m posting this quite late. I, of course, take no responsibility for the fact, and will instead blame Netflix for dropping the entire season all at once, and the fact that it is still not legitimately available to stream in Canada. Also, I just kinda wasn’t feeling it.
But we’re back on track! I don’t know if I’ll be able to get out the rest of PRO season 2 before LDS season 5 begins, but my plan is to at least try to go through two or three episodes a week.
My interpretation of Rom’s portrayal was that he was playing up the simple earnestness of the character, as a ploy to lull Admiral Vassery into accepting the terms of deal as part of a test to see if the Federation had the lobes to be viable allies to the Ferengi Alliance.
I’m curious about what your issue with Rom’s portrayal was.
”I guess you guys weren’t ready for that, but your clone offspring are are going to love it.”
Only if they can’t help it.
‘Academy’ hasn’t even started filming, so likely not.
Spock’s insecurities being the cause for whatever is happening here is my hope as well. It’s a funny moment, but it falls apart under even the slightest scrutiny, so I’m hoping Trelene did it or whatever.
I think you’re good on spoilers since it is the first episode where the shuttlebay three reveal happens.
The crew knows that shuttle bay three is there, they just call it ”the restricted hanger” which makes me question what the difference between a shuttle bay and a hanger is. I don’t think that accounts for the three missing decks. It could be that Zero was simply wrong.
Or it could be that deck numbering aboard Starfleet ships makes no damn sense.
Also, unless you count the Infinity there aren’t any shuttles in shuttle bay three.
Thank you! These are always fantastic. Please keep them up!
Thanks, I appreciate it. I’m going through season two as I’m able, but with Netflix dropping them all at once, and my other obligations, I can’t say I’m going to be especially quick with the posts. Hopefully I can do two or three a week, but I make no promises.
Please explain what it is about my post you think is trolling.
I guess Gen Z didn’t pay as much attention to space because the shuttle program ended before their time?
I love that one of the enduring aspects of human nature is that each generation wants broad strokes paint the ones that follows them as lazy, incurious dolts who will lead to the downfall of civilization. Gen Z is getting the brunt of it now, but it wasn’t too long ago that op eds were written blaming Millennials for “killing” everything from golf, to wine, to napkins, to basic courtesy. We can go all the way back to Plato, disparaging the youths of ancient Greece for sagging their togas, and spending all their time looking at tablature as opposed to having real conversations. And, of course, my generation also got its fair share before we all turned into the cranky old men shaking our fists at clouds in between writing those op eds.
Best boss I ever had!
No, that’s a whole other board.
You don’t have to play the good guys for the system to work, the same system is used for Dune - Adventures in the Imperium, and that’s a setting about as morally grey as it gets. Even with Star Trek Adventures, there is the Klingon Core Rulebook if you want to be a bit more rowdy than your typical Starfleet officers. The Operations Division sourcebook has suggestions for playing as Section 31 as well.
October 3 Prompt - Promotion
Another quick one, though I’m happier with this drawing than I am yesterday’s.
It’s kinda wack how many non-Starfleet organizations in Trek seem to focus their upward mobility primarily on the murder and supplanting of superiors. Seems like a bad system, honestly.