The removal of Star Trek: Prodigy from Paramount+ has ruined any plans for a sequel to Star Trek: Voyager in the immediate future. Paramount recently announced the cancelation of Prodigy, despite season 2 being partly completed. Production will continue on season 2, while work continues to find Prodigy a new home on an alternative streaming service or network. It was a disappointing turn of events for Star Trek’s first ever show aimed primarily at a younger audience, not least because it also continued the story of Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) for older Star Trek fans.

Set several years after the Star Trek: Voyager finale, Star Trek: Prodigy sent Captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran) back to the Delta Quadrant to fix some problems left behind by the USS Voyager’s previous visit. Chakotay’s new starship, the USS Protostar was later left abandoned, discovered by a group of youngsters led by Dal R’El (Brett Gray), whose adventures on the ship put them on a collision course with Admiral Janeway. The Star Trek: Prodigy season 1 finale teased an exciting new dynamic between the Starfleet veteran and her young charges, but Prodigy’s current status leaves these new adventures suspended in limbo.

    1 year ago

    If Seven of Nine is the only character from Voyager who is a main character, then it still strikes me as a TNG spin-off, given that the main cast would also include Jack Crusher (Son of Picard) and Sidney LaForge (Daughter of Geordi), and probably some appearances from Beverly Crusher, Diana Troi, Will Riker, etc… As mentioned, it could turn into the Jack Crusher show, but even without that, Voyager characters would be second class citizens in comparison. I’d love to see Janeway, Paris, Kim, Torres, Tuvok, heck even Neelix (maybe not Chakotay) but they’d be cameos at best. And with 10 episodes a season, we’d be lucky to get more than one or two of those appearances.