In some of the music communities I’m in the content creators are already telling their userbase to go follow them on threads. They’re all talking about some kind of beef between Elon and Mark and the possibility of a boxing match… Mark was right to call the people he’s leaching off of fucking idiots.

    1 year ago

    I disagree. The direct politicians sometimes are completely incompetent but their staff aren’t, and they are listening to them. The decisions they make and things they choose to pursue are based on the interests of the class that they represent, the ruling class financial elite. They aren’t bumbling incompetently, they are competently doing evil shit.

    This class recognises that US hegemony is strengthened through control of digital media, which it absolutely has intelligence agency fingers in, where it gets to project whatever the fuck it wants to project into the world through the power that this amount of control provides it.

    One of the most astute and forward thinking things that the Chinese did was recognise this would develop into a problem and go the “great firewall” route, which enabled them to develop, catch up and eventually build their own equivalents of american services that aren’t in american control. The EU’s failure to do this and the financial vassalisation it has undergone, coupled with the weakening of it by the largest and most competent military leaving via brexit, has led to it becoming completely dominated by US companies.

    And now it can’t do fuck all about that. Trying to do so is political suicide. It’s a slow and extremely difficult hole to dig themselves out of.

    My take is that it won’t change much until dedollarisation results in the US no longer being able to print money every time a financial crisis happens. Once the dollar is no longer the global reserve currency, which is happening very rapidly now because it’s used sanctions far too much, it will be in a weak position when a financial crisis occurs. When it won’t be able to print money to save the markets from crashing there will be an economic collapse. That collapse will make a mess of all overseas power, both military and soft power, allowing everywhere else in the world that it is exerting power over the opportunity to break free. When countries take that opportunity it will have a multiplying effect upon US problems, because it is a country that completely relies on overseas power and exploitation.

    We have a lot of very interesting years ahead.