• The episode title is a reference to the spaghetti western, “A Few Dollars More”.

    • “A Few Dollars More” was the sequel to “A Fistful of Dollars” which TNG referenced with title of season six’s “A Few Datas More”.

    • Badgey as introduced in “Terminal Provocations”. Jack McBrayer reprises the role here.

• The Kalla system was first seen in “Firstborn”, and it’s where the USS Cerritos fought the Pakled clumpship “No Small Parts”.

    • Here we see Drookmani scavengers collecting Rutherford’s lost implant. We already saw this happening at the end of “The Stars at Night”, but the scene ended before revealing it was the Drookmani collecting the implant.

• The Drookmani captain is voiced by Fred Tatasciore, the actor who voices Shaxs.

• The Droomani lower decker is voiced by Paul Scheer, the actor who voices Billups.

• The bisected circle emblem on the Bynar ship as also seen on the high tech fanny packs the Bynars wore in “11001001”, as well as this episode.

• The Bynars are speaking in the language we heard in “11001001”, and we see their text shown a display, also from that episode.

• While we never saw a Bynar ship in any previous iteration of Trek, I did think it worth pointing out that they are a species where two individuals are linked and act in unison, and here we see what would be a single captain’s chair on almost any other species’ ship is actually a loveseat, occupied by two Bynar.

• The Mysterious Threat adds the Bynar ship to it’s collection.

• Badgey appears to be controlling the Drookmani who salvaged him via glowing cybernetic implants, which immediately invokes the Borg. It also makes me think, however, of the fact that after having been beamed into space in “Datalore”, we learn in “Brothers” that Lore was rescued by Pakleds.

• Rutherford has outfitted the Sequoia shuttle with a grappler. The NX-01 Enterprise was equipped with grapplers as seen “Broken Bow”, and so were its shuttlepods, which we saw in “Similitude”.

    • Boimler expressed excitement over the NX-01’s grapplers in “Those Old Scientists”, as did La’an.

• The Daystrom Institute was first mentioned in “The Measure of a Man”, and is named for Richard Daystrom from “The Ultimate Computer”.

    • The view of the Daystrom Institute is recreated from the PIC episode, “Remembrance”.

    • The Daystrom Institute’s Self-Aware Megalomaniacal Computer Storage room was first seen in “Where Pleasant Fountains Lie”.

• Peanut Hamper was introduced in “No Small Parts” and given over to the custody of the Daystrom Institute in “A Mathematically Perfect Redemption”.

    • Peanut Hamper is played by Kether Donohue.

• AGIMUS was introduced in “Where Pleasant Fountains Lie”, where we also saw him placed in Daystrom Institute custody.

    • AGIMUS is portrayed by Jeffery Combs, who has played a number of roles across DS9, VOY, and ENT, including:

       • Tiron - “Meredion”

       • Penk - “Tsunkatse”

       • Krem - “Acquistion”

• Lord Tyrannikillicus was first seen in “Where Pleasant Fountains Lie” and is voiced by Shaxs’ voice actor, Fred Tatasciore.

• We saw AGIMUS’ drones in “Where Pleasant Fountains Lie”, but only depicted in a mural on a world he had conquered, or in a fantasy he had; this is the first we’ve seen an actual drone.

• AGIMUS states the Mysterious Threat’s attack on the Bynar ship occurred on stardate 58934.9.

• The Drookmani ship is outfitted with a number of canons. In “Terminal Provocations”, the first episode to depict the Drookmani, their ship has no weapons at all, and uses a tractor beam to throw space junk at the Cerritos.

”Almost as noble as the time you snapped my [beep]ing neck!” Badgey is still upset about the events of “Terminal Provocations” when Rutherford had to ”kill” him in order to save his and Tendi’s lives.

• Rutherford’s hug causes Badgey to split into two separate entities, one of whom is named Goodgey. In “The Enemy Within”, Captain Kirk was separated into his good and evil halves.

    • Perhaps worth noting that Goodgey is silver, similar to the combadges worn by the Cerritos crew.

    • Badgey also splits off his logical aspect in Logic-y. Spock dreamed about being split into his human and Vulcan halves in “Spock Amok”.

”This stuff is great! All we have on Orion are, like, sharp little pebbles.” It as established in “Second Contact” that there is no sand on Orion.

    • It was also established that sand gives Boimler a rash, but he doesn’t mention it here.

• Tendi is barefoot in this scene in Ecuador… Unrelated, this scene is also lifted directly from the pitch for the proposed Quentin Tarrantino Trek film that was being talked about back in 2017.

”Do you guys want to take a root beer float break?” Root beer is like the Federation, so bubbly and cloying and happy. It’s insidious.

• The EMH used neurazine gas to incapacitate the Romulans who’d hijacked the USS Prometheus in “Message in a Bottle”.

• The Tyrus VIIA research station was seen in “A Quality of Life”. It’s where the Exocomps were created by Doctor Farallon and developed sentience.

    • The interior of the Tyrus VIIA research station is recreated from “A Quality of Life”.

• Badgey develops a plan to travel at warp 9.9 and transfer himself across subspace to the entire Federation. In “Threshold” we learned that an object traveling at warp 10 exists at all points of the universe simultaneously.

• We are introduced to Peanut Hamper’s father, Kevin. In “No Small Parts” Peanut Hamper declared that the only reason she joined Starfleet was to upset Kevin.

• Among the Federation material we see Badgey infect are:

    • A subspace relay which appears to be identical to the “ancient space capsule” the USS Enterprise D located in “The Neutral Zone” which contained three surviving humans from 20th century Earth who had been cryogenically frozen.

    • The Cerritos

    • The USS Vancouver where we see Barbra Brinson from “Cupid’s Errant Arrow”

    • The VCF Sh’vhal from “wej Duj”, commanded by Sokel

    • Starbase 25, first mentioned in “The Slaver Weapon” and seen in “An Embarrassment of Dooplers”

    • Deep Space 9 from DS9

    • Douglass Station which was introduced in “Second Contact”

• Badgey, now all powerful, turns a light blue tone, and exists simultaneously across his past, present and future. He departs to an empty dimension to create a universe.

    • Badgey expresses that he has become tired of Earth. These people. Being caught in the tangle of their lives. Also, for some reason he now has human genitals fully visible on screen.

    • Badgey ascends as O’Connor did in “Moist Vessel”; he has six arms, and the outline of a great bird appears around him, with three circles at its head. He says he might hang out with the Q Continuum, introduced in “Encounter at Farpoint” or check out the Black Mountain, which Shaxs told Rutherford of in “We’ll Always Have Tom Paris”. As he ascends, we see he is travelling towards the Koala. Why is it smiling? What does it know?

    • USSBurritoTruck@startrek.websiteOPM
      1 year ago

      I don't disagree, but the AGIMUS drones are not the exact same design as the Echo Papa 607s, nor is there any explicit connection between AGIMUS and the Minosians, so I don't think it qualifies.

    • Corgana@startrek.website
      1 year ago

      THAT’S what it was! I kept thinking they looked so familliar but couldn’t put my finger on it. I was totally thinking of those dudes.