What if we made a search engine so good that our company name became the verb for searching? And then — get this — we replaced the search engine with a robot with a concussion? Google is innovating…
gold is pretty much nontoxic, definitely bulk (gold teeth anyone?), maybe as nanoparticles. gold compounds can be, like any other heavy metal, but it’s so inert that these won’t form in air under any normal conditions. lead will get oxidized much more easily, and if you’re riffing on leaded gasoline then it’s lead oxide particles that made it work in the first place, so it’s already in bioavailable form, and full brain damage is only seen some 20 years down the road
i have been Called
gold is pretty much nontoxic, definitely bulk (gold teeth anyone?), maybe as nanoparticles. gold compounds can be, like any other heavy metal, but it’s so inert that these won’t form in air under any normal conditions. lead will get oxidized much more easily, and if you’re riffing on leaded gasoline then it’s lead oxide particles that made it work in the first place, so it’s already in bioavailable form, and full brain damage is only seen some 20 years down the road