• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • On Friday 22 July 2011, Norway was hit by two terrorist attacks. The bomb attack on the government quarter and the mass murder on Utøya are the worst acts of terrorism in Norway since the Second World War. The attack was politically motivated.

    The perpetrator wanted to hit the state, the Labor Party and the party’s youth in AUF.

    At the AUF camp on Utøya in the Tyrifjord, 69 people were killed. 32 of those killed on the island were under the age of 18. The two youngest were only 14 years old. It took just over an hour from the time the police received information about the shots on the island until the perpetrator was arrested.

    There were a total of 564 people on Utøya when the terrorist attacked. 495 survived by hiding in buildings, under dead friends, on mountain slopes or by swimming ashore.

    The perpetrator, Anders Behring Breivik, is serving a sentence of 21 years in prison. In court, Breivik admitted to having committed the murders, but he pleaded not guilty.

  • yokonzo@lemmy.worldtoSteam@lemmy.mlSteam is now banned in Vietnam
    2 months ago

    I mean, gabe has yet to do anything to piss me off yet. At this point I’m looking directly at the head of whatever organization.

    Also this is a dumb take, if everyone had the same ideals on Lemmy then you would be part of this, you’re seeing different posts by different people and conflating the two

  • I would like lemmy as a whole to know more of this comic. Hell, the entire tech and coding space. Look, i love tech but some of you guys can be absolute bellends to people not knowing something and it turns plenty of people off from even learning.

    “WhAt YoU dOn’T kNoW hOw To MaKe A fIlE? It’S eAsY, iF yOu DoN’t KnOw ThEn YoU sHoUlDn’T bE uSiNg ThIs PrOgRaM!!!”

    My brother in Christ maybe they want to learn, some people are neurodivergent and they don’t pick up new information as easily the first go around

    Sorry rant over