I don’t read my replies

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • A great number of the enslaved people trafficked to the English Caribbean were later trafficked to work camps in places like South Carolina. In that State in particular (may be the case elsewhere IDK), the majority of the English Colonists as well as enslaved people came from the West Indies.

    By the 19th Century the Atlantic slave trade was outlawed in the US (1808). The British abolished slavery in 1833. Most enslaved people in the US were descendants of enslaved people already there. IDK what the birth rate for enslaved people was, but you can imagine that 100 enslaved people trafficked in 1700 could be over a thousand by the time of the American Civil War. So most of what we think of as the height of US chattel slavery was after the Atlantic Trade was in decline.

  • Average IQ cannot increase or decrease. The test is calibrated so that 100 is always the average. It’s for this reason and many others that comparing historical testing data is difficult.

    In the revised version of his book “The mismeasure of man” (about biodeterminism and measurement) Gould was asked why he didn’t draw the obvious comparison between IQ and phrenology. His answer was that such a comparison would be unfair… to phrenology. The methods of phrenology were bunk, but it’s theory (that different regions of the brain were responsible for different functions) was sound. IQ fails both in methodology and theory.

  • So people get toxic when you advertise misleadingly?

    The whole online culture around gaming has been so thoroughly infiltrated by reactionaries, incels, and plain old misanthropes any developer can expect to be abused online by toxic gamers. Whether or not the grievances are genuine is beside the point.

    I’m not criticizing you or defending this game, I’m just saying how fucked it is that gamers being abusive is normalized and expected.

    2013: gamer /gā′mər/ n. one who plays roleplyaing or video games.

    2023: gamer /gā′mər/ n. asshole spewing hate on the internet.