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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • What goes wrong with a person for them to get cheat software because they are so determined to win rather than either practice and develop their skill or accept the fact that they don’t have what it takes to win a specific game, and be comfortable with the possibility that game is not for them? The second someone attempts to cheat or hack in a video game, they have immediately proven themself to be a complete loser.

  • I have nothing to say about people who go out to places together sometimes also playing together in a game occassion, all fine and well.

    Multiplayer with random whoever happens to be online at the time, that’s the stuff I call entirely useless and pointless.

    Every and all people who can play games for a consistent 12 to 18 only have a screwed future ahead of them. 3 to 4 hours of games can be a great time, 18 straight hours of gaming, that person has emotional problems.

    Would you agree that games are simple entertainment, not a goal in life, to one day get good a specific game for multiplayer?

  • As an exclusive campaign single player, I say every and all multiplayer is trash garbage. Games are strictly entertainment for something to enjoy. Winning is irrelevent, the experience is what’s important.

    I only buy games that have a story campaign with replay value and I refuse to do any online multiplayer. I don’t feel better for beating other people, it’s nothing more than a game. People are not interested in how many times someone else wins at video games, it’s only a hobby. People who cheat in games are losers who have nothing outside, going out with friends to enjoy.