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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • I do understand how the brigades can be annoying for sure, but I don’t mind arguing with tankies, – I think it’s actually really useful for exposing their propaganda for what it is. It helps expose normal people to counter arguments so that they might become a little more aware, rather than just seeing propaganda go unaddressed and being morel likely to assume it must then be true.

    The only issue I have personally is if the mods are in on it too and delete your posts/comments because you start to make a bit too much sense.

  • I was actually banned for linking to the wiki about the Uyghur genocide and the death toll estimates from the Great Leap forward. It’s not about the gore, it’s about them trying to distance public understanding of the true horror and extreme violence that took place at Tiananmen etc.

    The CCP’s objective for at least the last decade or two has been trying to make the government in China apoear “normal”. Before this latest era people understood clearly that China was extremely authoritarian, but that understanding is being eroded as the CCP puts up a civilized facade, when that’s not the reality – they’re still brutalizing people it’s just so horrifyingly systematic and industrialized that you can’t even see it on the surface anymore due to how they doggedly chase information and dissidents.

    They achieve this by downplaying events like Tiananmen, invasion of Tibet, Uyghur genocide, brutalization of HK etc. They exercise the most extreme measures to silence dissidents even when they are in other countries, and they repeat over and over again how the west is “just as bad!” until it becomes background noise. Having tankies modding communities helps supercharge this effort by allowing them to remove anyone who confronts that narrative, leaving only what they want people to see.

  • Tankie mods don’t moderate in good faith though, to do so would entirely undermine their political objectives. That’s kind of the point of the thread here – to defederate so that the tankies aren’t deciding what people can or cannot see and say.

    I don’t see how the charter idea would actually help with that but maybe I’m not understanding the mechanics of how other mods “weigh in” on ban appeals from other instances.

  • retrospectology@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldLemmy.ml tankie censorship problem
    1 month ago

    Honestly once you sort of realize that you can’t be on the left and also support authoritarianism/fascism (regardless of the label or intent) the factionalism kind of isn’t as troublesome or confusing.

    You end up with those who believe in supporting progress informed by rational, current understanding of reality and then you have those who cling to failed ideas the same way conservatives do.

    The left can debate solutions and data reasonably without splitting into contradicting camps, people just need to always check and see if they’re actually oriented towards the defining principles of left wing politics; bolstering human rights and well being, strengthening democratic institutions and outcomes using the most current understanding of the world we have available to us right now.

    The left, by definition, flexes and adapts to reality to achieve an outcome, conservativism is when people try to bend reality to fit their ideology.

  • retrospectology@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldLemmy.ml tankie censorship problem
    1 month ago

    Those “academics” are wrong.

    We know this because there are photos of bodies and bicycles smeared into a paste [Source. Warning Blood/Gore].

    And because people who were there literally said that’s what happened:

    "The shooting was going on and people were still running to try and block the tanks, which were travelling at high speed, some positioning buses in the road. But the tanks crushed the buses and people, they didn’t care. People’s bodies were merged, moulded to their bicycles. They were flat.” [Source: Shao Jiang to The Mirror]

    The CCP has desperately tried to cleanse the most brutal images and interviews of the massacre from the Internet, but even 30 years on they can’t completely scrub it clean. There’s a reason The Pillar of Shame monument is designed as it is.

  • MM stands for ‘Master Modes’, it is essentially an overhaul to how the flight works that got dropped this latest patch. It pretty radically changed how flight worked and people are quite divided on it. There are a lot of details, but that’s kind of where the problems come from.

    Old flight model:

    For the past however many years (5, 7?) The flight model has been one where you fly fluidly – you have a single mode of flight and then you have the choice to turn on or off “Decoupled” mode. When in decoupled mode your ship flies the way you would expect it to in a vacuum; no friction, if you throttle forward then let off you keep going in that direction indefinitely until you apply retro-thrust or accelerate in a different direction.

    In “Coupled” mode your ships computer would basically apply your retro-thrusters automatically to kind of simulate a bit of friction, and in atmosphere it would allow you to hover in place. So if you let off your throttle you’d drift to a stop rather than drift indefinitely in space or fall out of the sky.

    With this system the speed range was very large (0-1200 m/s), and it was up to the pilot to learn how to control their speed so they didn’t always overshoot or “joust” with a target. That was where the skill came in, people who learned how to use speed judicially typically came out on top.

    That was before, and it was fairly straightforward, intuitive flight system that felt good. It wasn’t completely perfect, but it did feel like there was room to grow as a pilot and improve. Personally I loved flying around just for the feel if it and the flight system was one of the things new players often remarked on as one of the highlights.

    New flight model:

    Master Modes changed flight so now there is a “Nav” mode, which is for traveling only. It disables your shields, weapons and makes your ship slightly less maneuverable, but lets you reach those top speeds of ~1200 m/s.

    And then there is “SCM” mode, which turns on your shields and weapons/mining lasers but limits you to a really small speed window (~250 m/s). So no more overshooting and jousting since you’re forced to travel at a controlled speed, but the kinds of maneuvers you can employ is now much more limited and the skill ceiling is much lower.

    You can still use Decoupled/Coupled mode in SCM but even in Decoupled mode your ship still slows you down automatically if you go too fast. It feels bad because it will also prevent you strafing when you’re over the speed limit, so you get kind of locked into a trajectory until your ship slows you back down.

    If you need to run from a fight you have to switch to Nav mode, which has a spool up timer before you get access to higher speeds, but your shields drain right away. This makes it quite difficult to escape a situation if you don’t immediately start running, if you’re already entangled in a fight and realize you’re losing (or another enemy ship shows up) you basically have very little chance to escape.


    TL;DR The game went from having a lot of freedom and being very fluid, to being bogged down by artificial-feeling constraints and a bunch of modes and other weird changes that make the game feel more like a simplified arcade game with an overly convoluted control scheme. You’re forced to use training wheels and can never take them off. It also turns ship combat purely into a numbers game, so the prediction by players is that when CIG starts growing server sizes the game is going to just be about who has a bigger zerg, rather than who has the more skilled pilots. Anyone who isn’t in an org ends up out in the cold.