I have too many toothbrushes

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I am a full Proton paying customer too. At the time of signup, a Drive Linux client was supposedly next in line… There’s zero mention of it now. I need a VPN IRL and wasn’t keen on relying on a free plan where I was used to pay for one anyway. Aaaand I planned to move my emails of course since it’s in the bundle.

    I’d gladly uplift people and advocate for progress on the privacy and security fronts, invite world+dog to join but I can’t do it now in this situation. Linux users being underserved is how I feel.

    Mandatory “I use Arch BTW” mention.

  • That Boss guy says it there, Linux customership is negligible. I was happy to switch to an ethical ecosystem, but at the end of the day Proton is a company that runs for profit.

    Nevermind that this specific Linux customership is exponentially sensitive to privacy and security next to the average windows user, our money still doesn’t matter.

    It’s… annoying. Drive is relegated to weekly Dead Stupid Backups while Dropbox gives me real filesharing, VPN is highly unstable next to my former… dare I mention it? Yes: next to NkrdVPN which was ultra reliable anywhere I went, and Mail is only used for the passmail obfuscation since I don’t think I’ll stay with proton and didn’t switch my main mail to it.

    I’d be curious to know if the userbase of proton products reflects that of general statistics of OS’es repartition.

  • Funny story the other way around: the year is 2002 and I live in Laos. Bootlegs Everything Galore, all movies games music cost $1 or about. I discover a game, and then begins a quest to buy The Real Version because it’s a small studio and I really like it all, the storytelling, the modding tools, the community… A quest that would end up in Bangkok looking like the proverbial insane foreigner looking for the most stupid way to spend his money.

    I found it eventually, in a shop that didn’t look any different among all its brothers in Pantip Plaza. Took me a while lol.

  • You can also ask it when is the cutoff date of their database - there is a gentleman’s agreement between providers not to have ai involved in news / current politics in it’s public chats.

    I tried them on a topic I’m pretty proficient on, (a spaghetti recipe lol) and the answer was the most bland imaginable.

    The way it is setup by DDG, the restrictions and blandness, shallowness of the replies give me peace of.mind when a ‘natural language’ query is the easiest one. And Claude wouldn’t give me the DOB of that queen because it is Personal Info!

  • It all works quite smoothly ; the install process is a breeze of a single .sh script to run directly from macos. The amount of software available for Arm64 is surprising, tho gamers will be disappointed there’s no Vulkan / Steam available yet.

    That “Default” install is really just Fedora, shipped with KDE for it’s superior handling of fractional scaling. There’s the dnf package manager, flatpaks, the works.

    I’m 80~90% of the time on the Asahi side of things on my device. Showstoppers today are sleep battery drain (50% a day) and pure “ooomph” - performance of an M2Pro chip is more akin to a 12th gen i7 than the same chip under macos. Rendering in kdenlive or blender is noticeably slower on Asahi. But it’s a huge reverse-engineering undertaking, and it will be getting better.