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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2023


  • develop into there games

    They develop it into here games, too!

    I guess the issue is that the Switch has viable competition in form factor from the Steam Deck. There’s no longer any illusion that Nintendo put the best tech possible into a portable console.

    When a competitor can run the Switch’s games on an emulator better than the Switch can run them natively, that’ll definitely leave people wishing they could play their Switch games legitimately on more powerful hardware.

  • If you group together all the different kinds of floppies as “floppies”, but separate out CDs from DVDs and Blu-rays, then I guess it could be seen as short.

    CDs probably lasted longest for music, and lasted a while as primary computing media, but if you look at them in terms of console gaming, they lived a pretty short life. So maybe the author is also a console gamer, lol