First impressions (to be continued when I watch the second episode next week)
Nice feelgood introductory episode (action scenes in warp, actions scenes in the desert, saving the population of a city through the power of friendship combined shields, Romulan tech, a lot of TNG references I didn’t get because I never watched it but I’m sure it’s good fanservice, Book’s return, new Tilly storyline, new Saru story line, Kovich bringing in the unethical orders, Michael and Vance disregarding them etc etc) but I didn’t like that it felt as if someone desperately wanted to introduce every new storyline in the first episode
If a friend was sending their pretty legally obtained books that they downloaded from different website via the TOR browser to themselves via Telegram to have an easy way to download them on their tablet, should they stop that and connect their tablet to their PC via an USB cable instead?
Asking for a friend.