Going open-source was the biggest single factor in immediately swaying me over here from Thunder (well, it was really the multi-community feed feature, but closed-source is what held me back). Thanks for being transparent!
None of which I know…
Also, people forget that Discord’s streaming capability is, unfortunately, absolutely top-notch; no other community-screensharing platform has fewer issues, and my friends and I like to watch each other play games often.
This is exactly what I was gonna say: I’m amazed that so many millions of people can tolerate its atrocious UI. Even now, the amount of notifications I get from the constant text channels across “servers” (which is such a misnomer for merely “communities”) is so ridiculous that I ignore 99.9% of it.
For what it’s worth, I’m Asian and I had no idea that this was a derogatory word towards Asians and it doesn’t bother me.