• 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 26th, 2023


  • This ties into the comment I was going to make separately. For context, my dad recently passed. First father’s day without him. My mom asked to watch a movie that meant something to the both of them because they saw it together in a drive in on release and it was very memorable because the technology and techniques used were fascinating at the time. She complained that it wasn’t on Disney+ or anywhere.

    You may have guessed it, but she requested Song of the South. One serious moral quandary later, I got it ready for her to watch.

    Tomorrow is gonna be rough, but at least my sailing might bring some good memories for her.

  • As long as we don’t get a Mass Effect style ending, I’ll be fine. I’ve always liked Trek, but SNW made me love it. I love the acting so much that it’d take a lot to get me to hate what the writers are potentially forced to do. My only real problem with Discovery is that in the end it focuses on a single character, and that can feel tiring at best. SNW makes it feel like the whole crew is important with a story to tell. My head cannon is that whatever is written, Pike is willing to use 7th century cookware inventions to make his crew happy, and to great effect. I’ll never get over him giving a shit about the entire crew.

    As far as the potential ending BS goes, I think the writers for this series legitimately have more respect for the franchise than to just make final episode simply “Pike got hurt and now can only beep boop in a chair like a boss.” The “minor” characters matter here. This might be me just fangirling, but I have huge hopes for SNW going into (hopefully) S5 or beyond.

  • Despite being a prequel, I think they are telling a unique (and imo awesome) story. We know the end result, but between the decent writing and S tier acting I think that this has the chance to be remembered as the best Trek ever imo. I may be in the minority, but having a hard coded ending shields the show from Paramount getting bored with it and forcing a bs ending. Even if they try, we know what happens in the end.