• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • The GM said to thank you for the ideas because being a psychic opens up some new story possibilities that he’s excited about.

    Part of my character’s backstory is that he was one of the few survivors when his village of psychics was destroyed during a razorback stampede (and I, as a baby, was the only one who “saw” it coming). He and his family were then taken in by a loxodon/minotaur clan and it just so happens that another player made a minotaur from that same area so we’re gonna be buds and I’m going to (mostly) ride on his shoulder so we’re gonna get a few more fears. Like if I heal him while in tow, I get healed for half of it, too. Sounds like it’s gonna be a pretty fun campaign!

  • I’ve got an oddball one for ya if you feel like getting creative…

    The GM hasn’t finished fleshing out the subrace I picked and said if I have any ancestry feats to suggest, he’d be down with implementing them. It’s a very small (1-2ft) Ysoki and I’ve got nothing even after looking up Mouse Facts™. I guess mice have really good hearing?? No idea how that translates to a TTRPG

    Got any fun feat ideas for when Fievel Goes West? No big deal if not. I’m asking as a creative exercise more than anything!

  • Sorry for the delay, I started looking into this last night and fell into the rabbit hole…but I’m sold. I put together a rough character on one of the builder sites and started working out the backstory with the GM.

    I will be playing a Skitterpaw (unique to this campaign) Ysoki Psychic

    Background: Scholar (Occultism)

    Conscious Mind: The Infinite Eye

    Subconscious Mind: Gathered Lore

    Cantrips: Telekinesis Projectile, Void Warp, and Void Step

    Spells: Soothe and…undecided because the builder only gives me True Strike as an option…? I think I should have other choices but I don’t know

    Soothe seems good enough for what I want but out of curiosity, are there other healing spells to pick up later?

    And do deities even matter outside of RP for non-Clerics? I couldn’t quite figure that out…

  • First and foremost I want to be able to heal in and out of combat. But I’m saying Support and not Healer because I want to have other spells/actions to take - like making my party do more (or take less) damage or blind/confuse enemies.

    If I’m sounding weird about describing it, it’s because I find my current character pretty boring in combat. I basically just shoot my bow, miss with Electric Arc, or cast Haste. The monk in our party (veteran player) does so many different things and the druid (another veteran) seems to bust out situationally-useful spells every session.

    I want more options in a fight so it feels like my choices matter. The problem is…I have no idea what the options are except what I’ve seen in this campaign.