I don’t know, we already have open source 3D printers and they really haven’t brought about the industrial revolution some people hoped. Not quite the same as replicators, granted!
London-based writer. Often climbing.
I don’t know, we already have open source 3D printers and they really haven’t brought about the industrial revolution some people hoped. Not quite the same as replicators, granted!
I agree, that logic has been used to justify atrocities throughout history, including right now. It’s exactly what Israel says about Palestine, China about the Uyghurs, Trump about Mexican immigrants. And it’s completely antithetical to Star Trek’s values.
You found the one reviewer who liked it. I bet they like season 1 of TNG, too.
The ship flying out of the rift reminds me of the XCV-330 Enteprise from the 22nd Century, first seen as part of the Enterprise lineage of ships in a painting in TMP. The ring structure might be a coleopteric warp drive which the XCV-330 used, also used by Vulcan starships.
I think a similar ring design was also an early concept for the Enterprise, before they settled on the familiar saucer + nacelles look.
Totally agree with you. One of the things that I love about LDS is that it’s not just by and for fans of the show - that’s more or less a given with any longstanding franchise - but that it’s about fans of the show.
[Spoiler tag here because I’m talking about the most recent episode and I know some people won’t be caught up yet!]
My favourite scene in the most recent episode was Mariner geeking out over getting to hang out with Data. It worked because that’s how we’d all react if we got to hang out with Data. ‘Aw, respect. I’d go back for Geordi, too’ was a fantastic line because it was both funny and felt completely real to all the TNG fans.
Great notes, as always!
Freeman sends Purple Data back through the fissure in a photon torpedo tube, much like how Spock’s body was shot towards the Genesis Planet at the end of ST II.
Along with the use of the torpedo tube, I thought Mariner’s off-key flute playing in this scene was a homage to Scotty playing the bagpipes at Spock’s funeral.
These interviews are really interesting! I’m going to have to go and read the book now.
If us Star Trek nerds can’t get our facts straight, what hope for humanity?
Measure of a Man is season 2!
I’d start with Strange New Worlds. It’s very classic Trek in terms of its themes and stories, but as it’s still being made it has contemporary audiences in mind. If you like it, I would then go to TNG.
Came here to say this. I’d much prefer to see the Seven/Raffi/Jack Next-Next-Gen on the TitanEnterprise G than yet another prequel.
Definitely straining plausibility. Also straining canon, which I don’t mind so much, but I think the combination makes it worse.
No, sorry. Very bad. Only Rose-Gooding and Chong could sing, the autotune was obvious and jarring for all the others. The songs weren’t memorable (I confess I really dislike the modern US showtune style, but it can at least be catchy — this wasn’t), the choreography and even the editing was shoddy. The first episode of Trek, other than Enterprise, that I’ve wanted to switch off.
I think that might’ve been the best SNW episode so far. Great guest role, all-round incredible performances from the regulars. Babs absolutely smashed it, obviously. Not going to go all out and say it’s one of the top Trek episodes full stop till I’ve had time to think, but right now I can’t think of many better ones!
I like that they did the Kirk/Spock meet as an almost throwaway thing, rather than trying to make it a big deal. We already know it’s a big deal, so any attempt to increase the drama would’ve made it cheesy, IMO. Plus, we’ve had lots of media about their friendship, already: we know it inside out. Instead, we got to focus on Kirk’s relationship with a different legacy character, one that hasn’t already been explored to anywhere near the same extent.
Although, on that note… was anyone else hoping the ‘doctor on the Farragut’ Kirk referred to was going to lead to a cameo from Bones? I don’t remember if they served together pre-Enterprise, so it might not have been strictly canon!
I thought she said to release the deuterium from the nacelles (of the Enterprise), but to destroy the mining station (as @cybervseas@lemmy.world points out, Pike confirmed the latter order).
I assume that they didn’t always speak that way, but as their language evolved it became gradually more dense with allusions, until they took over entirely.
Love the idea that the Enterprise just flies about blasting its own theme tune on every subspace channel.