uh im juan i made this for an event i couldnt participate in…for actual content go to https://ihatetehbsod.neocities.org/

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2024


  • it took me quite long to get my first ever game to work but it was worth it. i forgot to mention scratch there. i never really liked it but had to use it at school and that started everything…that first game was absolutely awful but i was just so damn proud of it being better than any of my classmates back in 2021, hehe.

    then i started making weird quizzes with batch, until i got a c64 emulator and moved on to basic (no more having to deal with cmd going all “[string] Is NoT rEcOgNiZeD aS aN iNtErNaL oR eXtErNaL cOmMaNd, OpErAbLe PrOgRaM oR bAtCh FiLe11!!1!”)

    im still very bad at coding but i dont care, i just do it for fun…nobodys gonna see my spaghetti anyways

  • depends…

    • html: 1? idk i only use it to make a site that i dont even wanna make too fancy. it works and i like iy that way
    • css: 2, i can do basic layout but man doing anything else than just font and colors is so hard…but again, i might not do more and just keep it simple
    • basic: 4, i can make text games fluently, but its pure spaghetti
    • js: i can only make a hello world :(
    • batch: see basic
    • bash: see js (i cant code crap in it all i can do is navigating the filesystem)
    • gray snail: idfk man i only know it for the lolz of “yeah i know esolangs” i never really did crsp in it
    • everything else: see js