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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • I have to ask, how does one even manage thousands of open tabs?

    Like how do you find the 1 in 1756 tabs that you are looking for?

    Excuse me for thinking that that is an insane way to work and there is no way it can be productive. Like if you have a thousand open at any given moment, what are they all. What are you doing that warrants this? What’s wrong with bookmarks.

    I think the consensus here has been clear in that you guys are in the minority of people. And that’s on Lemmy where we skew tech literate and would mostly be power users. I just can’t see how it can be productive.

    Not calling you out here. Like I really need to know your workflow with some examples of the why?

  • I just subbed to all three of those.

    I find half the battle here is finding new places to sub to. I’ll browse all but always forget to sub to new ones I see.

    I think for sports, it’s difficult as it seems most of us early adopters here are, well let’s say nerdier than the average, and as a rule tend to follow sport less.

    Even me, I wouldn’t go out of my way to watch sport, aside from the olympics. But as an introvert that had a shitty home life I learnt quickly how to be a fake extrovert and thus had a lot of friends and so got surrounded by sport and stuff.