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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • angrystego@lemmy.worldOPtoStar Trek @lemmy.worldSaru
    1 month ago

    Sorry for not writing for such a long time - my first try got erased before I sent it, but I’m back now to answer your question! It was the writing. I found so many of the dialogues to be really cringeworthy. To be fair, this was not the case for all the episodes. I felt ashamed to bare witness to some of the dialogue in The Sound of Thunder for example, while Light and Shadows was ok for me. I truly suffered through the Red Angel arch. There were so many things that just didn’t make any sense to me that I kind of stopped caring. And there was so much unending declamation with no real depth - all I saw were actors trying hard to say the flat lines as well as they could. I continued watching Discovery even after this season mainly because there were great characters again, that is Discovery’s strength in my eyes. And the later seasons seemed better to me. Have a nice day!

  • angrystego@lemmy.worldOPtoStar Trek @lemmy.worldSaru
    4 months ago

    That does make sone sense, yeah. I’m confused, because Saru is otherwise depicted as very empathetic, it’s even pointed out verbally, but this situation was different and it came so early on that it was hard for me to believe his empathy for a while afterwards, so I’m not very sure what the writers wanted me to think.

  • I think it’s the different humor and visual style case. And that’s ok. I don’t think you need to understand the many Trek injokes to like it- I know people who don’t know Trek and enjoy LD.

    What I find interesting is that you feel the characters are cynical. I was quite suprised how endearingly idealistic the characters were, despite being written as flawed. They always make sure to do the right thing and they try very hard to better themselves. There’s a lot of character growth involved, which I much appreciate.

    During the first two episodes, I also found the characters hyperactive. By the third one I adapted.

  • It's ok that the whole world of Star Trek is not at the same level morally. I also understand writers are just people and they are influenced by the time and place they live in. But I appreciate it when they at least try to continue to elaborate the utopic aspects. I love thinking about what could be better in society and how it would work (and that's what I like about TNG). Thanks for the analysis of DS9, by the way.