Now I wonder whether some of the different species that share the same route ever migrate together.
Now I wonder whether some of the different species that share the same route ever migrate together.
Well, not all, just those that are directly related.
These are great ideas. I want the stories! Star Trek creators, give me these stories!!!
This is absolutely awsome. The style is so good. I need this at home.
Beautiful, poetic.
What? I still don’t understand. Would you mind genuinely eli5 to me what from my post makes you think I talk about women as if they don’t have any agency? I’m asking genuinely for patient explanation.
And that was my whole point, I was reacting to V0ldek’s: “being inseminated by…is the least consequential thing”, which they proposed was not important from the child’s point of view. I wanted to point out it’s rather different (in a bad way) from the woman’s point of view.
Is that a bad thing? Where did I go wrong in expressing myself? Or did I misunderstand V0ldek’s comment?
I think for many women “being inseminated by” IS a big thing.
I think it’s understandable. Intelligence is partly hereditary and people want clever children. Education and job can give you at least an overall idea of the person you’re having a child with. It’s kind of weird anyway to have a child with someone random, isn’t it?
Miserable fat Belgian bastards!
I’m pretty sure this is THE ONE blackface that is allowed. Or am I missing some joke in your comment?
I like the way the OP in the picture wants to start a horror kind of discussion and it immediately turns wholesome and heartwarming.
I guess everyone gets wierded out by something else. Pubes of an offspring seem to me like a breath of fresh air after all the urine and poo and puking… well, puking may come again, but their babyhood prepares you for the things to come ;)
Pubes are just different kind of body hair. No big deal.
Not a technique but changed my cooking. I tried whole grain pasta for reasons of both health benefits and curiosity. I love it so much I can’t go back. The regular one feels now disappointingly lacking in taste and texture to me. It takes slightly longer to cook, but it’s almost impossible to overcook - it’ just always al dente!
I should add that you can have many dysfunctional genes in your DNA without having any health problems if the genes regulate something optional like hair color and not vital like proper muscle production. So you can have lots of dysfunctional genes without having any medical dysfunction.
It’s usually a mutation that doesn’t allow the gene to work properly. An important part of the gene can be deleted or the DNA sequence is changed in some other way. Sometimes a change in just one letter of the code can break the functionality of the gene. When the cell tries to make a protein based on the mutated sequence, it produces a protein that cannot be used for any purpose in the body or it cannot produce the protein at all.
Dysfunction of a gene. Not a dysfunction as in a health problem.
At the same time, east asian people are not known for having more trouble with being overweight. But that’s probably much more complicated.
I’m pretty sure the latter was the middle-length answer. You can do better!