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  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I actually like it. TNG’s theme was annoyingly bombastic to my ears, DS9’s is basically nothing, Voy is okay I guess.

    Not saying ENT song was the best choice there could be, but I don’t know why it should be gospel that ST has to have orchestral tunes. And for a prequel that was about how it all started, I think it was fine to go with something different.

    And it’s not like an opening theme is a dealbreaker either way. I always skip the opening credits on the shows where they go for over a minute. I think for people who don’t like ENT (it’s not exactly popular) this is just another notch.

    BTW I’m half way through SNW S02 and I’m not tired of its opening. First time ST nailed it in my book.

  • I find it almost bizarre if DS9 isn’t someone’s favourite, unless a) they haven’t watched it, or b) they’re really against grey and murky morality (which a lot of TOS fans apparently are).

    That said, I also think Picard S03 was unbelievably horrible. There’s fan service and there’s absolutely mindless trash like this. When I hear about reliving past glories of TNG, I’m thinking episodes like Tapestry or The Inner Light and not something Genesis-level of contrivance.

    SNW rehashes everything from older shows, but at least isn’t dumbed down too much.

  • I respect it more, but I still can’t get into it. I find that the feeling they were going for - wild west in space - just doesn’t gel at all with the story of a futuristic utopian Federation and (essentially) a milliary grade ship with professional personel.

    There are episodes where it’s one or the other, and not the combination of both, that work the best.

    I think the TNG era managed to get away from this weird sense very well while still paying homage. But on ENT it shows how trying to follow in those footsteps can give weird results. All the criticism ENT has gotten is really the result of trying to make sense of TOS.

    Ironically, VOY had the most opportunity to run with the wild west theme, and I guess they couldn’t figure it out either. Maybe SNW has, from what I’ve heard.

  • They don’t have to subscribe, but somebody has to have searched specifically for that community, so kinda yes.

    People here promote scripts and bots so that an instance gets automatically subbed to new communities - which ok, but then which small instances really want to mirror the whole Fediverse? Most will run out of hard drive space, and we’re back at square one.

  • One problem I foresee with smaller instances is discovery. As we know, if someone creates a new community somewhere else, your instance will onlyrecognise it once someone searches for it.

    On a large instance like lemmy.world, there’s a good chance that someone else did, and you can stumble upon it by browsing /all. On a smaller instance this may not happen unless it’s set up to discover and thus mirror every community everywhere.

  • I’d still prefer a separate server even if it’s only for myself:

    1. power efficiency, you don’t need to keep a power-hungry PC on when you don’t need it, but only an old laptop or a rasp Pi or whatever

    2. if your PC is down - broken, needs reinstall, having an issue that needs troubleshooting - you can still have your server stuff running

    3. expandability. Media server alone is good to stream movies to a TV, or to a phone over the web, and again the PC can be off