Ha ha ha…no
Yeah, I thought everyone kinda intuitively understood this because redneck and farmer used to be synonymous.
Phone controls are trash though, touch screen is never good.
Literally untrue I promise, even worse, you’re extra wrong because the PSX is actually the name of a Japanese specific set top entertainment box that also played PS2 games and was the introduction of the XMB ( Cross Media Bar ) interface that the PSP and PS3 both used.
The small PlayStation did have the official designation of PSOne though.
For some perspective, CD trays, like the PS2 and Xbox had, that retracted mechanically were viewed as sleek and futuristic, and that’s why slot loaders like the Wii and PS3 gained traction too.
It was an aesthetic choice, like the move from green LEDs to blue, though that has historic significant as blue LEDs are a relatively recent invention as the were incredibly difficult to figure out, so blue LEDs were seen as futuristic and opulent and used in everything consumer electronics for a while.
Won’t buy it if it requires PSN account
Same, both Digg leading to Reddit, and Reddit to Lemmy
Literally putting another expiration date on digital content
Illegal at a Federal level, but legal on a state level is a weird type of ambiguous, but the states it is legal in your won’t be raided by local police, and probably Even Federal Police.
Not everyone sees that
That still tracks though, Sim City 2000 was the Pinnacle of the series
1/10 with copyrice
I literally remember when sites like Reddit, Amazon, and even Google went down. We’re so used to crazy uptimes that it’s easy to forget that real servers and infrastructure have real problems.
The bodies yes, the shells I imagine were fashioned into exceptional armor locked in ancient vaults.
Honestly, it would be amazing if the answer was that large mollusks actually existed and were poorly documented.
It’s the only way to demonstrate the fall, of you did it at scale it would’ve even be noticeable.