• 166 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 23rd, 2024


  • Because you talked about the “risk” that landlords absorb like flood and fire.

    And how much your mortgage is is predicated on how much of a down payment you put down. A down payment that tenants can’t save because of the parasitic draw of landlords.

    The only reason why renting is cheaper than buying now is because of rampant speculation by DUN DUN DUN LANDLORDS. You want me to be great full for a solution to a problem YOU CAUSED.

    Before COVID made AirBnBs 10x money machines, and RealPage allowed landlords to fix prices, buying was actually a little cheaper than renting in all but the most desirable cities.

    Regardless the Real Estate rentals making 100’s billions of dollars. All the “risk” and equity that landlords are supposedly providing is all coming from tenants fully fucking stop.

    As far a solution for the people that absolutely positively can not buy, that you couldn’t give a fuck less about considering how many people you’ve kicked our onto the streets already, who previously could afford rent, it’s called public housing, ie just give them a home. We already do it in Mississippi and it works great.

  • Tell me you move the goalposts without telling me you move the goalposts.

    Homeowners don’t file insurance claims to hire plumbers. And sorry but filing work orders or insurance claims is never going to turn into a full time job for a individual homeowner.

    If you’re talking about property management of multifamily complexes yes that’s a job but when you spread that work out among all the units it turns into minutes of work.

    And like I said, all this “risk” would be easily affordable if the tenants weren’t paying rent.

    You are so adorable, you really think landlords make billions because of how hard it is to pick up the phone and talk to an insurance agent.