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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I’ve been playing Policenauts for the SEGA Saturn lately. I have enjoyed the story so far, my only complaint is that I don’t have a lightgun to play the game with, so the shooting sections are not as fun. I haven’t got too far into the game, but it is such an enjoyable story. Truly unfortunate that it never released outside of Japan.

    Also going back through Dino Crisis, thats such a classic that gets slept on. Hopefully with it sweeping Capcom’s recent survey they will finally do something with it again.

  • TLDR: Agree on many points but also you are wrong in some things. Certain parts of AAA gaming make modern games feel like a chore or feel bad compared to how AAA games used to feel. But also the market of games is flooded and making more money than ever before.

    Regarding some of your points:

    All the games today are the same

    I get what you’re saying, but you’re also wrong. There are so many games out there these days that vary widely in art, style, design, gameplay, etc. There have literally never been so many different kinds of game on the market at once. Now, I agree that AAA studios are mostly only making “safe” games they know will sell, and I too am upset that companies these days are so risk adverse that they will refuse to make a new game as experimental as something like Illbleed, but thats what happens when a hobby goes mainstream and investors that are greedy get invovled.

    Why can’t I just play from disk

    Because load times would be astronomical. Disk read speeds are still slow, way slower than solid state drive read speeds. Your 10 second loading screens would be longer than 45 seconds, even the PS1 would probably load games faster. In this case, some data may not be loaded completely by the time the game decides to let you in, as some assets in games now are streamed from the drive as needed instead of being loaded directly into RAM at the start of a scene. Relying on a slow mechanical disk laser to stream that data in a manner that wouldn’t cause crashing or missing assets would not be feasible. They could try solid storage but that comes with its own caveats and increased manufacture price.

    Complaining about storage

    I agree, but also games have big textures and better quality audio these days compared to the old days. Sure, not all games need that, but if storage space is a complaint then play any one of the ten trillion indie card battlers. The bigger files also increase load times, more data in general needs more time to search and load.

    Complaints about MTX and such

    I agree, predatory monetization sucks. The only times I am okay with inclusion of MTX/Lootbox/Gachapon etc is if the game is free. The developers have to make money somehow. I play occasional gacha games, usually developed for mobile devices but I like to play on PC. I really enjoyed Super Mecha Champions, but they will probably be ending support sometime soon as they have gone into maintenance mode. But I have been very surprised with Zenless Zone Zero. I kinda hate how much I like the game, honestly.

    Point is, while I agree that MTX suck, in a free game its acceptable IMO because the developers have to make money. Gacha is really big in Asian culture, and I am not one to police someone else’s culture or say what they do is bad, its just different. MTX on any paid game is just sad though.

    ---------BotW Rant-----------

    IMO Breath of the Wild was a terrible Zelda game. Like, Zelda II Adventure of Link bad, not Wand of Gamelan bad though. It isn’t a bad game in general, I would give it maybe a 5 or 6 out of 10 (unlike many people today I actually like to use all 10 numbers), it just felt average because it was. I laughed like a maniac when Tears of the Kingdom cane out and made Breath of the Wild look like a sad tech demo, and every reviewer that gave BotW a high score now suddenly looked like the biggest idiot on the planet because they were scoring TotK the same despite it being the clearly better game.

    Zelda, ever since the 3rd game in its series, followed a clear formula. When people bought a Zelda game after Link to the Past, they had an idea of what to expect. Its like people going to a burger joint because they know they sell burgers. BotW though, deleted all of that in an attempt to go back and repeat what only ONE game in the entire Zelda franchise up to that point had done. A game that the franchise had largely moved on from, it had built upon that concept in its later iterations. BotW was a downgrade, because a lot of people going to that same burger joint were now suddenly getting served ground beef, without any of the other ingredients in a burger.

    TotK was much better in being an actual Zelda game, but it still was missing a lot of what people expect from a Zelda game. No real, large and elaborate dungeons, just a pitiful attempt (albeit still a better attempt than BotW) at a 4 room “dungeon.” No pieces of heart, no hookshot or magic instrument, no bottles to collect, etc. It felt like I was playing an Ubisoft open world game cosplaying as a Zelda game.

    -----------BotW Rant Over------------

  • I doubt Nintendo will let them buy a license. Why would Nintendo sell them a license for a handheld console they don’t even make anymore? It would not encourage sales of their newest product, and therefore they don’t care. Nintendo has historically stopped people from developing homebrew games for their older systems if they get too big or popular, why would they suddenly change now?

    Nintendo is the MOST anti-consumer company of the three major console makers, with Sony following in second. There is no indication they would ever change to do anything that benefits the consumer. They tried to make us all buy NES Mario on Virtual Console twice, and now you can’t even buy VC games, you have to rent them.

  • I am not siding with big business over small business, I am siding with a business deciding to change how they present their services over an author complaining about the change.

    Google was not always the market leader, but it gained that position over a long time, with a lot of work by hundreds of thousands of people. Are you saying that the efforts of all those people now suddenly don’t count, and that their contributions to making Google what it is today are unimportant? That Google, because all those people worked to make it so big, now has to suddenly be torn down? What does that mean for the value of any employee at any business? Is not the goal of a business to become market leader? What, now the market leader has to be punished for its employees doing their job well and the business becoming the primary preference of people? Why would any employee ever want to do their job well if they know that their hard work will just be destroyed in the end? At that point, why even work at all?

    Independents will never vanish. New independents pop up literally every single day. Sometimes even the same people under a new name.

  • This just sounds like more people complaining about AI “stealing their work” and “algorithms not pushing my content.”

    Google does show a summary of sites or information that is generated by a computer. And it does create that summary using the publicly posted and available text on publicly accessible webpages. This author seems to lament that its a computer doing it, but the way the summary functions is really no different than if a human did the same thing. The generated text (that I have seen) almost never matches word for word exactly what is on a single webpage.

    And regarding the algorithm, trying to do what we used to do before by abusing it with SEO is exactly what Google and other search engine want to stop. And they have every right to change algorithms to do that. Just because it worked in your favor for years and suddenly it doesn’t help you specifically anymore doesn’t mean Google is targeting you, your site, or small content creators.

    And being honest, I have personally never seen RetroDodo on the first page of results of any relevant search I have made, ever.