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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • My take is that the afterlife comes in three phases, yes phases because as much as it gives the fundies a hard-on there’s literally nothing humanly possible to do that could justify a permanent state of the worst torment imagineable.

    Phase 1, atonement, you do the hard work for the souls you’ve harmed in your life to forgive you and release the chains that bind your soul.

    Phase 2, forgiveness, you do the harder work of forgiving what wrongs have been done to you. Those chains hold you to your material existence, and you have to let go of them to be ready to move on.

    Phase 3, reunion, the veil behind which no eyes may see. All you’ll know is that by now anyone you haven’t met yet from your life has done the soul rending work you have and walked beyond it. They’re on the other side, and they’re waiting for you to join them, what that’ll look like, probably some 4-D amalgamation of every heaven or paradise or state of eternal bliss ever foretold by human words, and yet also none of those things, because not only do we not understand it, doing the hard work of being forgiven and doing all the forgiving is what it takes for you to be ready to understand it. I think it is what specifically god spoke of when they said they are both and yet neither of human binaries, and incomprehensible in their true essence to the human mind.

  • I refuse to believe that there isn’t a secret containment plan that all nuclear powers are coerced into agreeing to that basically gives every other nuclear power the right to intervene and secure the nukes from paramilitaries and terrorists in the event of state collapse.

    The only reason I would presume NK isn’t in on it is because everyone’s agreed by now that if they fall it’s gonna be a race between China and South Korea for who can press a legitimate claim first.

  • Don’t worry, if Kyiv’s getting nuked, so are all the rest of us, so you’d have found out long before you had time to read about it! :D

    More seriously, someone’s really gotta figure out how to attack the nuclear arms specifically. Putin is making it obvious that the world will never be safe if there’s even the remotest chance some lunatic could gain the ability to fire those things.

    It would have to be the fastest military operation ever conducted in human history, but if it worked, it would save the world.

  • I feel like schemes like this warrant a law that you’re failing your fiduciary duty as a company owner and can be sued by any of the stakeholders for it if you can’t prove failure to at least break even is due to genuine misfortune. Not even gross incompetence, that should just get you sacked with a dunce cap on top of having the company broken off and sold to a bidder that isn’t hellbent on stripping it for parts.

    That or company owners are only allowed to draw funds from the company’s profits and funds coming from anywhere else, including from layoffs and corner cutting, are seized at 150% the value stolen and the company owners involved get treated as though they had committed embezzling so long as the books can indicate that the executives and owners drew more in compensation than was recorded as profit.

  • Hi there, you seem to be equating death threats and harassment with voting with your wallet, which is wrong and stupid and you should fucking know better.

    Also, if everybody else doesn’t need to feel pandered to in order to feel good buying a game with a protag that looks like you, you being so “principled” and “vote with your wallet” about games featuring characters that look like everyone else is pretty fucking sus.

    You don’t live in a bubble of no context, where this energy at defending black consumers who aren’t interested in yet another generic brunette white male dudebrotagonist with the snarky quips even Spidey and Joss Whedon would be cringing at.