Exactly, just another corporate cash grab. From here it will go to “you buy base game only”, but if you want this city or that quest or planet then it’s paid. You want that npc? Money. The final boss? Credit card pls. Fast travel? That’s platinum club only.
And all in the name of “why should you pay for quests you don’t like” or some other thinly veiled greed.
But they gotta keep that profit line climbing infinitely you know, somehow.
I’ve been in similar situations with my children. Parents can’t be experts in everything, no matter how much we wish we could.
The evidence that you are a great parent is in caring and realizing when you are out of your area of familiar expertise, then seeking input to close that need.
The right thing to do is reach out to a professional or 2 and get multiple opinions, then weigh those opinions up with the child you know and love. Decide from there on what is a good course of action. An outside opinion often helps us with blind spots, but get more than one if you can.