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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 20th, 2022


  • Champagne socialist, IMO. Comes from wealth and privilege and makes a stupid amount from Patreon subs, most of which probably have no clue what Natalie’s net worth is. Has good opinions sometimes but I don’t know, personally I just find it weird as hell when literal millionaires act like they’re for the people while simultaneously living that bougee lifestyle because they can’t fathom living like regular folks and perhaps using their wealth to help regular folks out.

    It weirds me out that a millionaire leftist sees fit to ask her working class supporters for money while hiding her net worth and how much she pulls in from Patreon each month.

    I’ve gotten tons of hate for this opinion in the past and I fully expect it now, because Contrapoints has reached Breadtube royalty status.

    If I’m starving and someone claiming to be my ally has a chest freezer full of steaks in their basement that they’re seemingly squirreling away… I don’t think it’s hard to see why there’s some discomfort there.

  • You’re definitely a white guy lol, thanks for the laugh. You really can’t see how being a white guy and having the privilege that comes with that isn’t relevant to a discussion about privacy and security, really? Like come on, I’m a POC but as a man, I also am well aware of how ridiculously privileged I am when it comes to being a little careless about my privacy and security.

    Never commenting, but only showing votes could result in someone getting doxxed because their up/downvotes could be about regional instances, i.e. their city/state. Why play dumb about what can be used to dox someone? You really think one needs a home address as a starting point to dox someone? Regional plants and their growth stages can be used to dox people who post local photos online without thinking twice about security and while that obviously won’t result in a home address right away, breadcrumbs leave a trail. You clearly just haven’t thought about this much becaaaaaaause… like I said, privileged white guy that can afford to not consider this stuff.

  • Just curious, are you a man? Specifically, are you a white man? Because pretty much every POC and woman I know is far more privacy/safety conscious than damn near every white guy I’ve met who just lives his life with a ho-hum attitude about privacy/security.

    If someone never comments in their regional instance but merely upvotes a post or comment, it’s ridiculous that this info should be made public because it can easily lead to someone getting doxxed. It’s so noble of you that you’re more than happy to stand up for what you think, but I really wonder how folks like you would feel if that involved your home address being targeted.