Admiral Vance:
“It’s made of our shit, you know?”
Admiral Vance:
“It’s made of our shit, you know?”
I have never seen so much monotone reading of dialogue. Renegade Soval carried every scene he was in, so at least there’s that.
Thanks for opening my eyes to something new 🍻
Allow me to complete the trifecta with Uncleftish Beholding 👌
Today we wield both kind of uncleftish doings in weapons, and kernelish splitting gives us heat and bernstoneness. We hope to do likewise with togethermelting, which would yield an unhemmed wellspring of work for mankindish goodgain.
Hey thanks, it’s all new to me. I know what I’m watching this weekend.
After a dip I to that rabbit hole, perhaps I spoke too quickly…
Q: Look at me when I’m eating off you Picard.
But to your point, are there any fandoms (besides the church) that are still going strong with commemorative plates? Maybe they are just old fashioned.
What’s this, what’s this? There’s Trek alum everywhere!
Ooh, is there a hot take here?
I havent heard much about it, sorry if I’m retreading a tired topic.
Kolos, at the gates of Sto’Vo’Kor: psst it’s me Martok, come round the back and I’ll get you to Jadzia.
They could do an episode in this idea too, you got a stew going here 🤙
Some aliens arrive looking for Dax (who remembers them and why they’ve come) but then the aliens kidnap Dax!
After some science the crew learns that Dax must have diverged in the past and the aliens are seeking the Other Dax.
The crew finds the Other Dax, explains the situation, and cooks up a ruse to free both Dax and Other Dax.
Episode ends on Other Dax’s personal log detailing a trip home to the TSC.
Let’s go further, since they already lie about the number of symbionts.
The TSC would take an inspired approach and seek to discover the cloning process so they can scale symbionts to the entire population, and thus finally end the conspiracy.
You get a symbiont, and you get a symbiont, everyone gets a symbiont!
Oh man, you just made me relive the night my dad took me to see The Undiscovered Country opening night at the Chinese. Thanks for sharing and good luck.
First time I saw him outside Star Trek was in a Scarlett O’Hara TV miniseries.
Imagine my surprise when he’s driving her around in a horse and buggy: an olde time transporter chief!
His imdb page is suprisingly prolific 151 roles since 1973 is a pretty damn good run.
How about a Worfian view on on honor:
Worf would absolutely jump out an airlock, drunk on honour, if it would actually mean victory.
But Worf wouldn’t jump out just to die for Gowron’s lulz.