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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • The hilarious thing about the crackpot index is that almost ALL of it applies to credible physicists.

    Physics is in a really dirty place right now, where fundamental “truths” are exploding before our eyes and the “religion” of established physics has become inertial to real growth.

    We still have people who will not accept that deep at it’s core, SR is broken and QM has torn off the mask of illusion. We have new JWST data that shows the Big Bang probably never happened and the universe isn’t expanding the way it has been previously thought.

    Physics is in a sad place right now with people talking about multiverses and other abhorrent mystical nonsense. Oh, we can’t currently probe at sufficiently low resolution / high energy… that means it must be magic /s

  • Yeah I don’t know why DuckDuckGo keeps getting recommended as much as it does.

    I couldn’t find on Google, the answer to a simple question the other day. All I wanted to know was the precooked weight of a particular fast food restaurant’s patty.

    I made it to page 3 of the Google results, wading through page after page of promotional content, news releases, and sponsored “news-style” articles that were thinly veiled ads.

    Decided to visit duck duck go, and was greeted with search results that were even worse than Google.

    I realize it’s only one example, but to me it was an example of a search so specific, its egregious that the search engines simply refuse to return a page with the answer.

  • 720 streams run from strange websites in timbucktoo have higher fidelity than the 4K stream I paid good money for.

    Here’s a great price and you can share it with your friends. Wait not those friends. Wait your phone isn’t authorized anymore. Okay you authorized your phone but you need to authorize it again. Okay we just doubled the price and cut the quality again. Now you can’t watch the movies that you downloaded for offline viewing without an internet connection. Now your ad-free service has ads.

    Netflix can take a long hard suck on my pudding factory, they’re never going to see another penny of my money again, and this is from somebody that goes back to the DVD days of Netflix.

  • Hell no.

    In 1980s I used to have to go to Adventure Games in downtown Winnipeg to pay $50 for a mediocre (at best) game on two floppies.

    In today’s money, it would be about the equivalent of $150 plus tax.

    When you consider how much pleasure and value we get from a modern game, we’re actually paying the less thana 1/10th what we used to, per hour played.

  • It's what I want.

    I worked for years in tech, and adjacent to marketers and sales people.

    I know from direct experience that people want relevant advertisements for things that will solve a problem in their lives.

    Going back to my example, I would very much appreciate an advertisement for a cigar store that will either give me a discount, introduce a new product to me, or deliver my product on my schedule.

    I also make and buy mechanical toys, and I've had an interest in them for decades. I would really appreciate an ad that highlights a new collection of mechanical puzzles.

    But instead I get badgered by Google ads for things that are nuisances and of no relevance to my life.

    Instead of sharpening service for the professional barber clippers I own, because Google knows I cut my own hair, I get advertisements for Manscaped.

    I steadfastly maintain there is an opportunity to advertise to people in a helpful way, but Google doesn't do it.

  • Thank you, this is an exact point I was making earlier today in a different conversation.

    Google has two decades of information about me. Just as one random example, I'm hooked into their mapping app so they know everywhere I go and on what schedule, and can infer what I buy.

    Not once in 20 years has Google advertised something to me that is in line with my interests and needs. Google knows I go to the cigar store every Monday to replenish my supply, and they've never suggested to me a product or service that can save me time, money, or make it more convenient.

    Google's ad system seems to shove garbage products in my face like black label shit from China (raycon, manscaped, etc) and products/companies that do not operate in my region.

    How hard is it to know everything about a person, and still fail to advertise one single thing that is useful to them over decades??!