• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • No matter the reason, private monopolies are a bad thing for consumers.

    The game devs and publishers set the price by taking into consideration that 30% goes to Valve, without that 30% games would be cheaper as they wouldn’t need to sell for as high a price for the devs and publishers to recover their investment.

    No need to have studied economics to understand that if you need to have 30$/copy in your pockets in order to cover your cost and someone takes 30% from every sales then you need to sell to the consumers for 43$.

    No matter how nice Valve acts towards consumers (in many cases because it was imposed to them, not by choice), in the end you’re defending a billionaire while you make less a year than he spends running one of his yachts for a single day.

  • It’s just something I’ve noticed as these discussions started yesterday, a bunch of people defending a multiple yachts owner while also pretending to hate the rich in other discussions.

    There are no good billionaires, it’s that simple. If someone became one it was done through exploiting people that are just trying to make it through life. You’ve got people saying they “hope to be able to retire at some point” also defending Valve by gaslighting themselves into thinking that they get their money’s worth when buying on Steam. Well, no, people just think they do because they were conditioned to believe that their money is worth a whole lot less than it really is in order to enrich people like Gaben.

    These people aren’t on your side, if they were they wouldn’t be billionaires in the first place, they’re on their own side and just want to become richer and richer.

    And I mean…


    That’s from your own history so I guess you should be the first one wanting to point out when people are hypocrites, right?

  • Then you go after the publishers next.

    It’s clear that Valve’s cut has an influence because it being a % it means that as development costs go up the price of the games need to increase exponentially to compensate for the 30% Valve gets no matter the price.

    To quote myself for some numbers:

    It you need to make 30$/copy to cover costs in 2015 and Steam is taking 30% you need to sell for 43$/copy, Valve is making 13$/copy.

    Development costs go up by 20% over the next 10 years, you now need to make 36$/copy to cover costs, with Steam’s cut you now need to sell for 51.50$, Valve is making 15.50$/copy.

    If it was 15% instead? 35.50$ and 42.50$ would be the prices.