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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2023


  • I really don’t get it, I moved to NixOS some years ago. Okay, first few months I had to fiddle with configurations and add some packages that were missing. Everything past those early months was a blast.

    Replacing a dead laptop? The most time consuming part (for me) is making a bootable USB. After that I can push my already ready made configuration and just back to where I was (backs ups are important).

    Working on different versions of Python? No problem, a small nix script for each environment.

    Working with different versions of GCC? Same as Python.

    Everything just works. And if I fuck around I can revert the change. I can easily experiment in a way that will no fuck affect my ability to work.

    At work we have Ubuntu, and I got the conclusion that nuking Canonical’s offices will be a blessing on humanity. They manage to deliver broken packages for years, even packages that work well on Debian.

  • Being bad at math does not make you dumb. I failed math at school, and thought I will fail computer science.

    I had very hard time in calculus 1 and 2, but appreantly I’m great at discrete mathematics. Introduction to mathematical logic was so fun, I took an advanced course in temporal logic.

    Finished the degrees second in my year. Got into a multidisciplinary masters program and finished that too.

    I’m now the guy that gets the problems others failed to solve in the lab.

    On another note, the person I got to know that is best at learning math, sucks at every other subject in life. He can read math books cover to cover and then use it even a year later. He can’t prooerlly feed him self, not from home made meals his mom packed for him as a student and not shopping from the store. If you can take food from the the refrigerator into your plate without making a huge mess or poisoning your self, you are already ahead in life.

    tl;dr being bad at math doesn’t make you dumb. School level math has almost nothing to do with programming and Uni level math.