• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Mhm, the original guide was written in the context of sneak attack, so I didn’t want to pick anything that was limited to a specific class (other than rogue), but I’ll add that in now the guide is more generalised.

    Smog sight is extremely limiting compared to every other option to see through obscurement, to the point I don’t think I’ll bother listing it outside of, like, an appendix if I ever make one of those.

    edit 2: Alright, Murksight and Water Sight added.

  • The Whispering Way wants nothing less than the death (and undeath) of all living things on Golarion. In the shorter term, many members of the whispering way want eternal unlife and/or great power for themselves.

    This presents a couple of potential motivations for agents of the Whispering Way:

    They might seek to expand the Eye of Abendego, causing massive death and destruction in the Shackles, Rahadoum, and the Sodden Lands.

    They might want to raise an army of powerful aquatic undead from beneath the storm for whatever other purposes, including the above.

    Most esoterically, the Eye of Abendego appears to be linked in some way to the death of Aroden. Before Aroden was a god [edit: Aroden had already been a god for hundreds of years by this point], and before Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant, was a lich, they fought each other on the Isle of Terror in a trap Tar-Baphon had set for Aroden. Tar-Baphon lost the fight and was slain.

    Tar-Baphon is neither the founder nor a particular object of worship for the Whispering Way, but he is easily their most powerful member, their overall leader (though the Whispering Way is fractious, so that doesn’t mean much), and by far their most successful member in pushing their objectives.

    All this is to say that the Whispering Way might have some particular interest in the dead god Aroden, and might try to harness the power of the Eye of Abendego to try to bring back Aroden as some form of undead god. Whether this is something they can realistically achieve is up to you, of course, but it doesn’t need to be possible for some of them to get the bright idea to try it.

    Of course, they could also simply try to absorb some of the power of the Eye for their own uses elsewhere.

  • There are no DCs. Each player chooses a number between 2 and 5 to represent their characters’ aptitudes. High means they’re better at Lasers “(technology; science; cold rationality; calm, precise action)”, and low means they’re better at Feelings “(intuition; diplomacy; seduction; wild, passionate action)”. The GM only needs to decide which of those two any action is (they need to roll under their number to succeed at Lasers, and over their number to succeed at Feelings), and also whether the character is prepared (based on the situation), or an expert at the subject (based on their characters’ chosen expertise), and for each one they get an extra die. The target number is always the player characters’ own chosen number.