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Joined 11 days ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2024


  • Do you know where this person lives and what food places are available near them? No, you don’t, so how the fuck do you know? Food deserts exist, there are whole towns that depend on dollar stores for groceries. You having options doesn’t mean everyone does.

    (E: not that someone needs to be in that situation to justify to you or anyone else why they eat what they do, just pointing out how flawed your base assumptions are)

  • Ignoring the fact that you also need the spare time and energy to prepare a fresh meal every day after potentially working 2 or 3 jobs and maybe taking care of a couple of kids. And never mind disabled people who can’t cook for themselves…

    It’s interesting how people who make these judgments like you never seem to be this critical of the people who own the fast food chains and actively make the decision to sell shit food for obscene prices, or our economy forcing people in to corners where it’s their only option (even if it isn’t yours). I guess it’s just so much easier punching down, eh?

  • Hey, guess what - not everyone is able to go out to eat (not only due to physical disability, but lack of time and energy, and lets not forget a pandemic is still raging out there, and some people can’t just ignore it like the rest of you).

    The fact that you’re getting all high and mighty over a poster whose life you know nothing about, for the sake of 2 dollars says a lot more about you than spending 30 bucks on fast food says about well, anyone.