• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • But the AI isn’t “recalling” in the same way you do, it doesn’t “remember” what it “read”, it “reads” on demand and has instant access to essentially all of the information available online it was trained on (E: though it’s becoming more or less the same thing, and is definitely the same when it comes to law books for example), from which it collects the necessary details if and when it needs it.

    So yes, it is literally “sat” there with all the books open in front of it, and the ability to pinpoint a bit of information in any one of all the books in milliseconds.

  • Personally? Because being a (white male) whistle blower shouldn’t protect him from facing consequences for his sexual abuses, yet it seems to nonetheless.

    Fuck him (though I’ve not said a word about him before this for longer than I can remember, so I don’t know if I fall in to the category of “hating on him”, I just don’t give a shit about him, and definitely don’t think he deserves the halo the public seem to have bestowed on him).

  • This is a great demonstration of what running a company for endless profit vs running it to provide a good service while covering costs looks like (as is the fediverse, btw).

    “No such thing as a free lunch” is as much part of the capitalist indoctrination as “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” and the idea that we live in a meritocracy.

    Truth is, just like with actual food, there is more than enough to go around, and when you don’t commodify everything in existence as a way to gain power and control over others, sharing is pretty easily done, natural even.

  • No, the failure is capitalism and those corporations not wanting to be regulated owning the governments making the regulations.

    Which is precisely why any regulation under capitalism is toothless bunk, since it is designed by and for the corporations, to make sure they can keep making money despite it.

    Once in a while having a regulation actually come in in time for it to have any impact is like a broken clock being right twice a day, not proof that regulation under capitalism do anything (you claim that teflon now being regulated means regulations work, but can you seriously not see that it taking that long to get bare minimum regulation after decades of pollution and poisoning of consumers is proof that regulations are merely a lip service paid by government to the public to pretend like they’re acting in our favour?).

    The point isn’t - don’t regulate industry, it’s - at the point where industry has control of government, regulation is meaningless and always in their service, otherwise they wouldn’t concede (a little like greenwashing - the oil companies commit to producing x amount of green energy, but what they don’t tell you is that that x amount is a tiny fraction of their entire production capability, which they’ll continue to use oil for. We’re never going to get them to stop using oil, because they just don’t have to, no legislation will ever be allowed to pass that will stop them. Which is why eating the rich and blowing up their pipelines is the answer, but I digress).