• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Yeah, the C64 is so much fun because it is so different. Really something else. It feels so… raw and full of surprises. I did program a lot on it. I also own an Amiga (two actually, a 1000 and a 3000) but they are so far ahead of the C64 that you can not compare them. I have Web, Mail, a ton of Unix stuff and more on my 3000. It pretty much feels like a modern system just a really slow one. Loading a JPEG with 1024x768 in 24bits - the highest resolution my Amiga can display - takes like 30 seconds ;-)

  • The two topics I mashed together are two sides of the same coin, one side is about “keeping the technology around” and the other “keeping social structures around”. Because one is good but both together are better than their sum. Lets say you a gave an feudalist king a copy of Wikipedia, what use could he make from it? But if you instead teach his underlings to reorganize as a modern society they will most likely come up with a lot stuff themselves but will take a lot longer.

    PC between the USA and EU are pretty different and we could chat for weeks and only touch the surface. Some of the US problems seem so distant to me while you might laugh your ass off if I explained “Gendering the German Language” to you. On a more serious side note, in eastern Europe there is quite some racism against POC while at least here in Bavaria you are “integrated” as soon as you join your buddies for a beer in the Biergarten. Well, at least we don’t hate each other any more for being French, German or Polish… baby steps… btw, 💘EU💘NATO💘US💘

    In other news, you might enjoy my work-in-progress collection of short stories [https://lemmy.world/post/2362133](Transcripts from the Zombie Outbreak) which also touch this topic, especially the US episodes. I should rearrange the chapters though because the better ones come too late in the story.

  • Thanks for the insight, yes, in hindsight that part should have been separated. At first it was a LOT longer and I had the tongue in cheek joke “Maximum Exploitation… sorry… Utilisation of all work force” to show that it also means to give up a lot of freedom for the individual for the better of society but while I considered them valid point of surviving a collapse it went far to offtopic. And when I cut it down it was so short it didn’t make much sense as a stand alone post anyway so I just left it there. Should have used some “—” to separate it from the other part.

  • Well, for Bavaria this is only partly true. From 1500 B.C. until today the Celts and later the Bavarians were always the weapon smiths for their current allies and always build the very best weapons for mass armies. Yes, I am serious. If you were a Roman Soldier you surely carried a Celtic sword or Spear. If you are an US soldier your sidearm was designed and maybe manufactured only a short walk way from the same ancient factories. Sure, there were better weapons, e.g. damascener steel blades, but those were for show. You didn’t gave those to armies.

    Besides concrete only very little knowledge was lost.