This town, in fact, has more than enough room for the two of us

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023


  • The cities are more dense, actually. The open space is far less dense though.

    Skyrim and Fallout 3/4 were games where you could pick a direction and find something fun. New Vegas isn’t, but it more than made up for it with roleplaying and quests, which Starfield generally does better than Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4.

    The procgen content is 5-10% of the game, Starfield just fundamentally isn’t a Skyrim clone. Trying to play Starfield as though it is is just determination to be disappointed.

    Do I think Starfield is perfect? Absolutely the fuck not, it’s just not an imperfect game because it isn’t Skyrim, it’s an imperfect game on its own merits.

  • Shipbuilding doesn’t need to be rebuilt, just add the fuel mechanic back to give drive upgrades weight and add more space content.

    Gun Modification is fine, it doesn’t need to be overhauled. It can be better, and cosmetic paints could be added I suppose.

    Food and Drink just need the previously hinted at survival mode, so you actually have to plan trips. Not rebuilt from the ground up.

    Base building is fine-ish, just needs more benefits.

    Research just needs rebalancing, it’s fine as a gate for progression.

    The map just needs distances cut in half for proc-gen formulas and more locations added to the pool.

    The game doesn’t really need to be rebuilt, it just needs a survival mode, some new assets and uses for base building (reinforced by survival mode), and distances cut in half for proc-gen.

  • Starfield frustrates me, because in many ways its a major step in the right direction. It has much better roleplaying mechanics than Skyrim or Fallout 4, but at the same time the lore is half-baked and the skill system is fairly weak. It has great potential, but a lot of it feels toned down and less “real” because of it. Space exploration has a lot of potential as well, but setting every objective so far apart on planets ruins exploration by filling it with monotonous procgen.

    That’s why I’m fairly confident that once properly patched, and mods/DLCs are in full swing, it will probably be remembered very fondly despite the release state. It’ll pull a Cyberpunk.