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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Statements like this make me think you’ve never actually had to rent an apartment/home before or you’d have realized there’s an application process involved before you’re accepted. This is basic knowledge.

    Part of the application process generally entails a credit score check. This is also basic knowledge.

    You can argue all day long but in the end landlords and creditors look at a poor credit score as a risk to their investment. Nothing more.

    Statements like this show me you’ve never owned a business, never been a landlord, or otherwise been in a position where risk management is at play.

    There is no grand evil conspiracy here, you just don’t understand risk management and how it relates to credit scores.

    because of some score that comes out of a black box

    This right here shows me you know virtually nothing about what a credit score is or how it’s calculated.

    while also lacking basic information on the process like mentioned above

    Ah so you’re making strawman arguments while accusing me of making strawman arguments.

    Clearly I am talking to someone that has zero ability to understand basic finances while simultaneously lacking basic communication skills. Obviously I am wasting my time responding to you.

    Good bye.

  • If you’re homeless without a job, why would I take a risk? You’re not thinking about it from the perspective of a creditor.

    Do you think someone who pays all their bills but was the victim of identity theft should be unable to access housing?

    No. But if I were a creditor why would I take a risk on you just because there is a possibility you’re a victim of identify theft?

    If the world was ran with your expectations all businesses would be broke because they would be exploited into oblivion.

    For every victim of identify theft out there there’s 10 other people happy to take advantage of the situation and never pay a dime.

    You’re purely thinking from the perspective of a victim and clearly don’t see that all of this is a liability. It’s not up to a bank or landlord to provide charity.

    Do you invest in anything? Would you invest into a stock, a company, or anything if there is information that clearly indicates a small chance on a return of investment? The answer is no. Instead you’ll invest in something else that is proven to be a good return. It’s simply risk management vs opportunity cost.